Criteria and Entity graph generates same join clause twice
Robert Mazgut January 11, 2024 at 8:14 AM
You are right on this particular select, but this was just first example. I focused on problem which is described. First case I tested was inner join, but then I decided to test also left join case, just to know whether the result is the same. Unfortunately I used left join as example in description of this bug, but behavior is the same for both inner and left join.

Gavin King January 9, 2024 at 1:56 PM
Note that the query here is pretty weird/wrong. It’s not normal to use left join
to join a table which is then used as a restriction in the where
clause. That’s not really an outer join, it’s implicitly an inner join.
During migration from spring boot version 2 to version 3 we have found different behavior between Hibernate 5 and 6. We are using Entity graph and Specification (Criteria). Similar scenario can be seen in provided test case:
SQL generated by Hibernate 5:
SQL generated by Hibernate 6:
Hibernate 6 generates same join twice - first time from Criteria and second time from Entity Graph and when you want to sort by column from table in join then it causes crash.
Order by expression "A1_0.ID" must be in the result list in this case.
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