- Schema Primary Key not Inline Throws Runtime Exception in EJB3 Entity GenerationHBX-2947
- NoSuchElementException on generateJoinColumnsAnnotation in EJB3 Entity GenerationHBX-2946
- Update dependency on hibernate-commons-annotations to version 6.0.5.FinalHBX-2429Resolved issue: HBX-2429BARRY LAFOND
- Update version identifier to 5.3.28.FinalHBX-2426Resolved issue: HBX-2426BARRY LAFOND
- Update version identifier to 5.6.14.FinalHBX-2424Resolved issue: HBX-2424Koen Aers
- <jdbcconfiguration> task ignores configurationFile propertyHBX-2026Resolved issue: HBX-2026Koen Aers
- Be more defensive on setting Environment.Variable propertiesHBX-1983Resolved issue: HBX-1983Koen Aers
- Add gradle supportHBX-1232Resolved issue: HBX-1232Koen Aers
- Hibernate Tools SequenceGenerator Script generator does not generate Entire Script for SequenceHBX-1217Resolved issue: HBX-1217Koen Aers
- Unable to generate Alter Scripts using hbm2ddl with update=true, for teradata tablesHBX-1214Resolved issue: HBX-1214Koen Aers
- Reg. Log Table Creation using ANT ScriptHBX-1212Resolved issue: HBX-1212Koen Aers
- move org.hibernate.tool.ant.EnversHibernateToolTask from envers into hibernate-toolsHBX-1187Resolved issue: HBX-1187Koen Aers
- hbm2hbmxml task generates error for @ElementCollection annotationHBX-1177Resolved issue: HBX-1177Koen Aers
- 3.2.4 fix broke non file based schemaupdateHBX-1169Resolved issue: HBX-1169Koen Aers
- Ant hbmtemplate exporter doesn't support full path in template attributeHBX-1167Resolved issue: HBX-1167Koen Aers
- When working from pure hbm.xml the Ant Tasks for hbm2java and hbm2ddl fail complaining about not finding the classHBX-1149Resolved issue: HBX-1149Koen Aers
- Warning message "The transaction remains active, [..]" at the end of the hbm2java ant taskHBX-1145Resolved issue: HBX-1145Koen Aers
- Support for abstract/concrete pairs of POJO generation for hbm2javaHBX-1110Resolved issue: HBX-1110Koen Aers
- if properties is specified together with a cfg.xml in ant task the properties in cfg.xml is ignoredHBX-1108Resolved issue: HBX-1108Koen Aers
- <jdbcconfiguration> tag does not support the <mapping> tags defined in the hibernate.cfg.xmlHBX-1107Resolved issue: HBX-1107Koen Aers
- Relationships are not generated by rev.eng. from Derby databaseHBX-1089Resolved issue: HBX-1089Koen Aers
- Support SpringJPAConfigurationHBX-1086Resolved issue: HBX-1086Koen Aers
- ant and reveng.xml control over one-to-oneHBX-1078Resolved issue: HBX-1078Koen Aers
- many-to-one in hbm2hbmxmlHBX-1056
- [PATCH] In Hbm2DDLExporterTask report errors if schemaUpdate = trueHBX-1053Resolved issue: HBX-1053Koen Aers
- Ability to add user defined templates to the set which are loaded by defaultHBX-1017Resolved issue: HBX-1017Koen Aers
- NetBeans:NullPointerException thrown when creating tables.HBX-941Resolved issue: HBX-941Koen Aers
- warn users if using default templates, rather than templates (not) found in templatepathHBX-937Resolved issue: HBX-937Koen Aers
- hbm2ddl: no outpufile on update="true"HBX-930Resolved issue: HBX-930Koen Aers
- CLONE -Hibernate ant task does not work in a multi-project Maven 2 build if other mojos use javax.xml.transformHBX-915Resolved issue: HBX-915
- SchemaUpdateTask does not actually APPLY the DDL on Mysql 5.0HBX-869Resolved issue: HBX-869Koen Aers
- HibernateToolTask destdir not respected from chained antHBX-868Resolved issue: HBX-868Koen Aers
- align propertyfile attribute usage to support overrideHBX-862Resolved issue: HBX-862
- JPA configuration should support propertyfile as a way to do overridesHBX-861Resolved issue: HBX-861
- createQuery hql validaiton only works if it is the last call in a statementHBX-855Resolved issue: HBX-855
- add control to hbmtemplate about what model parts should be processedHBX-842Resolved issue: HBX-842
- precision/scaling not taken in hbm2hbm in ant env.HBX-828Resolved issue: HBX-828Koen Aers
- document hibernatetool ant task haltonerrorHBX-816Resolved issue: HBX-816
- eclipse code formatter ant taskHBX-811Resolved issue: HBX-811
- many-to-many not enabled as default in antHBX-761Resolved issue: HBX-761
- Add output file name, delimiter, halt on error, and format options to SchemaUpdate/<hbm2ddl>HBX-757Resolved issue: HBX-757Koen Aers
- EJB3ConfigurationTask.createConfiguration: NoSuchMethodExceptionHBX-756Resolved issue: HBX-756
- incorrect genreated code for many-to-many relationshipHBX-755Resolved issue: HBX-755
- hbm2hbmxml generates xml for subclasses that doesn't validate under the dtdHBX-754Resolved issue: HBX-754
- Add persistenceUnit attribute to <ejb3configuration>HBX-750Resolved issue: HBX-750
- rename ejb3configuration to jpaconfigurationHBX-744Resolved issue: HBX-744
- avoid creating a sessionfactory when doing ejb3configurationHBX-743Resolved issue: HBX-743
- hbmtemplate tool - GenericExporter omits task attributes when used with exporterClassHBX-737Resolved issue: HBX-737
- Updated DAO code generation as discussed over the emailHBX-733Resolved issue: HBX-733Koen Aers
- Allowed autodetect Many-to-Many in UI/AntHBX-722Resolved issue: HBX-722
50 of 59
When I try to run the following Hibernate Tools Ant task through Gradle (apologies, I couldn’t get your Gradle version working) I get an Exception.
Through Table create generation with the Autoincrement Primary Key is defined on a separate line, such as id in this BATTLES table:
This can be resolved user-side by simply changing the schema to the following:
However, this means that all Tables created through DB Browser for SQLite require schema modification after creation to get JPA Entity generation working through Hibernate Tools.
I appreciate this is most likely a minor incompatibility issue but I thought I’d raise it nonetheless.