- Schema Primary Key not Inline Throws Runtime Exception in EJB3 Entity GenerationHBX-2947
- NoSuchElementException on generateJoinColumnsAnnotation in EJB3 Entity GenerationHBX-2946
- Embeddable ManyToOne generation is not correctHBX-2848
- Reverse engineering fails on table with composite primary keyHBX-2840Resolved issue: HBX-2840Koen Aers
- Code generation not compatible with HHH-17586HBX-2825
- Hibernate Tools generates empty name in @JoinColumnHBX-2737
- Running hbm2java against a database containing equally named tables in two different schemata failsHBX-2630
- Minimal Constructors not generatedHBX-2614Resolved issue: HBX-2614Koen Aers
- Hibernate tools are not published to Maven CentralHBX-2420Resolved issue: HBX-2420Koen Aers
- The whitespace around ejb3 annotations in generated POJOs is uglyHBX-2250
- @Entity declaration needs name if the generated-class meta attribute is usedHBX-2249
- A Typo in the PojoEqualsHashcode.ftl causes SEVERE: Error executing FreeMarker templateHBX-2220
- When revengStrategy configuration is used, hbm2java is failing with the error "not instanced"HBX-2072Resolved issue: HBX-2072Koen Aers
- Changing class name in hibernate.reveng.xml is not updating the dependencies on other entities.HBX-2053Resolved issue: HBX-2053Koen Aers
- Startup is very slow for Oracle 18c XE - traced to metadata extract - sequences issueHBX-2046Resolved issue: HBX-2046Koen Aers
- Allow custom reverse engineering strategy to enrich table/column metaattributes provided by hibernate.reveng.xmlHBX-2015
- HBM2Java uses default plattform encoding for source generationHBX-2014
- NoSuchElementException when running reverse engineeringHBX-1801Resolved issue: HBX-1801Koen Aers
- Several improvements: descriptions of classes are taken from comments of database tables and ...HBX-1797
- hbm2java error java.util.NoSuchElementException EntityPOJOClass.buildArrayOfJoinColumnAnnotationHBX-1523Resolved issue: HBX-1523Koen Aers
- Adding not null constraint with default value for VARCHAR is not adding quotesHBX-1253Resolved issue: HBX-1253Koen Aers
- Generated imports lines are terminated with \r\n on linux.HBX-1235
- Generated equals(Object) implementation doesn't support lazy proxiesHBX-1226Resolved issue: HBX-1226Koen Aers
- hbm2java doesn't generate composite-map-key classHBX-1223Resolved issue: HBX-1223Koen Aers
- createEntityManager fails if using java8 lambda codeHBX-1222Resolved issue: HBX-1222Koen Aers
- hbm2java annotations for 1:1 FK creates duplicate generator namesHBX-1197
- reverse engineering of UniqueConstraint annotation for function-based indexesHBX-1193Resolved issue: HBX-1193Koen Aers
- yes_no type is created a char(255) column and not char(1) columnHBX-1176Resolved issue: HBX-1176Koen Aers
- hbm2java ignores fetch="subselect" in hbm.xmlHBX-1172Resolved issue: HBX-1172Koen Aers
- @Type annotation not generatedHBX-1155Resolved issue: HBX-1155Koen Aers
- hbm2java should generate POJO entities with stable property order to ease development cycleHBX-1146
- Warning message "The transaction remains active, [..]" at the end of the hbm2java ant taskHBX-1145Resolved issue: HBX-1145Koen Aers
- POJO java code exporter (<hbm2java>) should have a boolean 'overwrite' propertyHBX-1140Resolved issue: HBX-1140Koen Aers
- java.lang.StackOverflowError when I try to use hibernate-tools-3.2.0.beta9a.jar with slf4j jarsHBX-1133Resolved issue: HBX-1133Koen Aers
- POJO java code exporter (<hbm2java>) should generate field or property access Java annotated filesHBX-1132
- Hibernate tools tasks(hbm2java) generates info logs as standard error logs (shows red in eclipse) instead of standard outHBX-1119Resolved issue: HBX-1119Koen Aers
- Adding a Spring 2 Exporter to the ant code generation.HBX-1115Resolved issue: HBX-1115Koen Aers
- hbm2java annotations-collectionsHBX-1111Resolved issue: HBX-1111Koen Aers
- Support for abstract/concrete pairs of POJO generation for hbm2javaHBX-1110Resolved issue: HBX-1110Koen Aers
- ejb3 annotations formula - wrong string literalsHBX-1109Resolved issue: HBX-1109Koen Aers
- Hbm2java added colums comment into java classesHBX-1096Resolved issue: HBX-1096
- Adding column and tables comments in java classes with hbm2javaHBX-1095Resolved issue: HBX-1095
- Missing inverseJoinColumn at ManyToMany relations with composite keysHBX-1093Resolved issue: HBX-1093Koen Aers
- INTEGER UNSIGNED is not reverse engineered into a java.lang.LongHBX-1087Resolved issue: HBX-1087Koen Aers
- hbm2java generates bad code for BigDecimal in equals() (Remains after HBX-426)HBX-1072Resolved issue: HBX-1072Koen Aers
- Named Query DAO methods with Primitive types fail to compile with JDK 1.4HBX-1065Resolved issue: HBX-1065Koen Aers
- hbm2java illegal code in @columns for one-to-one constrained=true relationship.HBX-1061Resolved issue: HBX-1061Koen Aers
- No class generated for tables with only PK columnsHBX-1049Resolved issue: HBX-1049Koen Aers
- Table names which are already "camelcase" get falseHBX-1048
- Constructor uses the non generated properties even though Meta tag attribute="gen-property" value is set to "false".HBX-1047
50 of 253
When I try to run the following Hibernate Tools Ant task through Gradle (apologies, I couldn’t get your Gradle version working) I get an Exception.
Through Table create generation with the Autoincrement Primary Key is defined on a separate line, such as id in this BATTLES table:
This can be resolved user-side by simply changing the schema to the following:
However, this means that all Tables created through DB Browser for SQLite require schema modification after creation to get JPA Entity generation working through Hibernate Tools.
I appreciate this is most likely a minor incompatibility issue but I thought I’d raise it nonetheless.