- Document how to implement and configure custom Batchers in Hibernate 4.xHHH-6711Resolved issue: HHH-6711
- Negative ID created using SequencesHHH-6486Resolved issue: HHH-6486
- Using native sql with entity (addEntity), which has formula property causes NPEHHH-6481Resolved issue: HHH-6481
- hbm2ddl and Oracle DB: Found: number, expected: booleanHHH-6463Resolved issue: HHH-6463
- AuditJoinTable rows missing when detached entities with collections are merged into the persistence contextHHH-6349Resolved issue: HHH-6349Erik-Berndt Scheper
- Add EntityModeEntitySpecifics.getTuplizerClass()HHH-6342Resolved issue: HHH-6342Former user
- NPE when using JDBC connection pool C3pOHHH-6327Resolved issue: HHH-6327Strong Liu
- Remove slf4j dependecy from gradle buildHHH-6315Resolved issue: HHH-6315Brett Meyer
- Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.FinalHHH-6308Resolved issue: HHH-6308Hardy Ferentschik
- Upgrade to slf4j 1.6.1HHH-6307Resolved issue: HHH-6307Hardy Ferentschik
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