- HQL subquery with constraint property in superclass does not join superclass tableHHH-11182Resolved issue: HHH-11182Andrea Boriero
- Foreign-key constaint violation upon deletion with cascade removeHHH-8128Resolved issue: HHH-8128
- RevisionTimestamp should support the full breadth of Hibernate timestamp classesHHH-8069Resolved issue: HHH-8069
- Should be possible to deleted audits/revisions in an orderly wayHHH-8052
- targetAuditMode=RelationTargetAuditMode.NOT_AUDITED should allow for missing entity targetsHHH-8051Resolved issue: HHH-8051Chris Cranford
- org.hibernate.ejb.metamodel.AbstractManagedType.getSet(String, Class<E>) does not properly recurse into supertype propertiesHHH-8040Resolved issue: HHH-8040
- Determining of type with field access fails if getter with another return type than field is available (getter is used to determine type)HHH-8004Resolved issue: HHH-8004
- WrappedMaterializedBlobType - wrong dirty checkingHHH-7810Resolved issue: HHH-7810
- Multi-tenancy and query-cache enhancementHHH-7775
- Add missing functions in hibernate SybaseAnywhereDialectHHH-7671Resolved issue: HHH-7671
- Introduce flag to enable @FetchOverride for subclasses of "entity"HHH-7570
- Activating JOIN fetch profile involving self-referential associations causes StackOverflowErrorHHH-7566Resolved issue: HHH-7566Steve Ebersole
- Ability to query only for @Revision object without instantion of entities.HHH-7555Resolved issue: HHH-7555Chris Cranford
- long name identifier (>63) not handled correctly by validateSchemaHHH-7538Resolved issue: HHH-7538
- Quering an entity contained in L1 cache with JOIN FETCH results in unexpected behaviorHHH-7465Resolved issue: HHH-7465Steve Ebersole
- Bug in JoinedSubclassEntityPersister id column name different. Using @PrimaryKeyJoinColumnHHH-7461Resolved issue: HHH-7461
- SQL query formatter breaks on '--' commentHHH-7460Resolved issue: HHH-7460
- Incorrect Schema update when use @AssociationOverride into @ModifiedEntityNames of DefaultTrackingModifiedEntitiesRevisionEntityHHH-7445Resolved issue: HHH-7445Lukasz Antoniak
- Incorrect Schema update (invalidschema for sequence) when override RevisionEntity with generated id with sequenceHHH-7444Resolved issue: HHH-7444Chris Cranford
- Autorize change schema for REVCHANGES tableHHH-7441Resolved issue: HHH-7441Lukasz Antoniak
- Redesign dialect-specific LIMIT clause applianceHHH-7440Resolved issue: HHH-7440Lukasz Antoniak
- Classcast issue with new property auditing feature of Envers(withModifiedFlag)HHH-7437Resolved issue: HHH-7437Lukasz Antoniak
- Performance bottleneck on JavassistHHH-7435Resolved issue: HHH-7435Brett Meyer
- NaturalIdCacheKey.equals may not be correctHHH-7432Resolved issue: HHH-7432Eric Dalquist
- Reduce NaturalIdCacheKey Memory FootprintHHH-7431Resolved issue: HHH-7431Eric Dalquist
- JMX doc section is empty in Dev guideHHH-7416Resolved issue: HHH-7416
- JMX integration documentation is outdateHHH-7415Resolved issue: HHH-7415
- natural id can't be apply to componentHHH-7413Resolved issue: HHH-7413
- JDBCTransactionFactory.getDefaultReleaseMode() returns incorrect ConnectionReleaseModeHHH-7412Resolved issue: HHH-7412Vlad Mihalcea
- Wrong SQL in Joined inheritance if subclasses have fields with same nameHHH-7406Resolved issue: HHH-7406Christian Beikov
- BatchBuilder service does not properly define JMX MBeanHHH-7405Resolved issue: HHH-7405Steve Ebersole
- [JPA] Double insert with @OneToMany and CASCADE.ALLHHH-7404Resolved issue: HHH-7404
- [JPA] Double insert with @OneToMany and CASCADE.ALLHHH-7403Resolved issue: HHH-7403
- Collection subquery constraint on joined-subclass inherited properties causes invalid sqlHHH-7399Resolved issue: HHH-7399
- Transaction timeouts are not properly enforcedHHH-7398Resolved issue: HHH-7398Steve Ebersole
- Support schema management tools with multi-tenancy (MultiTenantConnectionProvider)HHH-7395Resolved issue: HHH-7395
- @ElementCollection annotated properties do not generate a correct PostUpdateEventHHH-7390Resolved issue: HHH-7390
- Hibernate does not follow JPA for closing EntityManagerFactoryHHH-7388Resolved issue: HHH-7388
- @Filter in conjunction with @DiscriminatorValue does not workHHH-7386Resolved issue: HHH-7386
- Incorrect SQL translation of WHERE clauses with comparison between composite keysHHH-7378Resolved issue: HHH-7378
- Natural-id: ObjectNotFoundException when found entity is marked as deletedHHH-7371Resolved issue: HHH-7371Strong Liu
- SQLServer2005Dialect: sql-transformation to common_table_expression not needed when offset = 0HHH-7370Resolved issue: HHH-7370Lukasz Antoniak
- SQLServer2005Dialect: scalar query fails with paginationHHH-7369Resolved issue: HHH-7369Lukasz Antoniak
- SQLServer2005Dialect: pagination query fails if terminating with a semicolonHHH-7368Resolved issue: HHH-7368Lukasz Antoniak
- Upgrade to Infinispan 5.1.6.FINALHHH-7367Resolved issue: HHH-7367Sanne Grinovero
- Updates can be lost with CustomEntityDirtynessStrategyHHH-7366Resolved issue: HHH-7366
- Trace logging causes numerous test errorsHHH-7359Resolved issue: HHH-7359Brett Meyer
47 of 47
Given the following entities:
For the query:
NOTE: employee.firstName is in Person table (not Employee)
The following SQL is generated:
The alias,
does not correspond to any table involved in the query. Person table should have been joined with Employee becausefirstName
is declared inPerson