- @Transient annotation not respected when class defines 'get' and 'is' accessor variantsHHH-11716Resolved issue: HHH-11716Andrea Boriero
- Improve performance of PersistentBag.equalsSnapshotHHH-11032Resolved issue: HHH-11032Former user
- Allow dereferencing of KEY() pathHHH-10577Resolved issue: HHH-10577Christian Beikov
- Unable to persist an object into MySQL databaseHHH-9625Resolved issue: HHH-9625Former user
- Ability to turn off construction of entities to determine unsaved-value for primitive @Id typeHHH-9613
- Cannot write a comment in sql of EntityManager#findHHH-9567Resolved issue: HHH-9567
- orphanRemoval: wrong DELETE orderHHH-9477Resolved issue: HHH-9477Former user
- PropertyAccessException on persistence of a simple entity with no relations or fields other than the PKHHH-9434Resolved issue: HHH-9434Former user
- Search for AttributeConverter interface does not check parent classHHH-9415Resolved issue: HHH-9415
- Build break hibernate 4.3, MatrixTestingPluginHHH-9391Resolved issue: HHH-9391Former user
- StackOverflowError when executing Circle.linearizeArcHHH-9364Resolved issue: HHH-9364
- 4.3.x not working with SpringHHH-9308Resolved issue: HHH-9308
- Joined subclass query is invalidly inner joining when it should outer joinHHH-9284Resolved issue: HHH-9284Former user
- Improve CUBRID Database DialectHHH-9225Resolved issue: HHH-9225Brett Meyer
- JPA 2.1 Schema generation property drop-and-create does not dropHHH-9181Resolved issue: HHH-9181
- User CompositeType Registration failsHHH-9168Resolved issue: HHH-9168
- Custom Oracle Batcher to allow batch updates for versioned data (Hibernate 4.x)HHH-9133Resolved issue: HHH-9133
- Error when hibernate.cache.auto_evict_collection_cache=trueHHH-9119Resolved issue: HHH-9119
- ERROR: HHH000231: Schema export unsuccessful java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of rangeHHH-9075Resolved issue: HHH-9075
- Missing parentheses around composite fieldsHHH-9029Resolved issue: HHH-9029Andrea Boriero
- Incorrect table alias in insert statement with subqueryHHH-9027Resolved issue: HHH-9027Christian Beikov
- NullPointerException when updating or deleting multiple entities of same type with non-comparable IDsHHH-8999Resolved issue: HHH-8999Former user
- Add HSQLDialect support for truncHHH-8955Resolved issue: HHH-8955Vlad Mihalcea
- @QueryHint( name="javax.persistence.cache.retrieveMode", value="<valid value>") does not workHHH-8949Resolved issue: HHH-8949Brett Meyer
- Memory leak at org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl?HHH-8943Resolved issue: HHH-8943
- BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase#rebuildSessionFactory() not releasing sessionsHHH-8930Resolved issue: HHH-8930Brett Meyer
- ClassLoaderServiceImpl introduces random classpath ordering via HashSetHHH-8922Resolved issue: HHH-8922Brett Meyer
- Error in Inheritance Mapping with @ManyToOne relations in concrete classesHHH-8918Resolved issue: HHH-8918
- Double negation in CriteriaBuilderImplHHH-8914Resolved issue: HHH-8914Brett Meyer
- NClob handing using MaterializedNClobType does not save unicode charactersHHH-8913Resolved issue: HHH-8913
- Envers: Column of Embedded missing in Audit TableHHH-8908Resolved issue: HHH-8908Former user
- Inverse @OneToMany ignored in entity graphHHH-8903Resolved issue: HHH-8903Brett Meyer
- Add subquery(EntityType) to javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQueryHHH-8902
- annotations OneToOne test fail with some sequence supporting dialectsHHH-8900Resolved issue: HHH-8900Brett Meyer
- Upgrade to Javassist 3.22.0 (Java 9)HHH-8899Resolved issue: HHH-8899Steve Ebersole
- JPQL to PostgresSQL not translated correctlyHHH-8890Resolved issue: HHH-8890Former user
- MapJoin.key() produces unusable Path objectHHH-8885Resolved issue: HHH-8885Brett Meyer
- SelectStatement cleanRestrictions misses the space in the search clauseHHH-8884Resolved issue: HHH-8884Steve Ebersole
- PostgreSQL9Dialectshould supportsIfExistsBeforeTableNameHHH-8882Resolved issue: HHH-8882Brett Meyer
- Ability to call postLoad handlers by clientsHHH-8881Resolved issue: HHH-8881
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush stageHHH-8880Resolved issue: HHH-8880Former user
- Regression: Embeddable with associations as @MapKeyHHH-8879Resolved issue: HHH-8879Former user
- UnsupportedOperationException while setting hibernate.ejb.cfg in CreateEntityManagerFactory properties argumentHHH-8877Resolved issue: HHH-8877
- JPQL: Left Join On with two reference don't workHHH-8876Resolved issue: HHH-8876
- Lazy initialization exception, on freshly retrieved object.HHH-8870Resolved issue: HHH-8870
- HQL: Left Join On with using reference to two entitiesHHH-8868Resolved issue: HHH-8868
- HQL Query with enum and @ConvertHHH-8866Resolved issue: HHH-8866Steve Ebersole
- PostgreSQL & H2 dialect incorrect for count distinct tuplesHHH-8864Resolved issue: HHH-8864Brett Meyer
- org.hibernate.engine.internal.StatisticalLoggingSessionEventListener not displaying properly time for partial flushesHHH-8863Resolved issue: HHH-8863Brett Meyer
- Setting foreign key name on @CollectionTable has no effectHHH-8862Resolved issue: HHH-8862Brett Meyer
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