- Java Web application which stops to give response to the production environment after 2 to 4 days.HHH-13382Resolved issue: HHH-13382
- com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint failsHHH-12385
- ManyToMany with Filter generates incorrect load SQLHHH-11410Resolved issue: HHH-11410Chris Cranford
- Connection problem in Hibernate factory with SQL ServerHHH-10672Resolved issue: HHH-10672
- Unable to get Connection when more Stored Procedures calledHHH-10671Resolved issue: HHH-10671
- Support Universal Connection Pool (ucp) a Java Connection Pool configuratoinHHH-10481Resolved issue: HHH-10481
- @Version with inheritance in java8 does not workHHH-10434Resolved issue: HHH-10434Former user
- Unexpected warning when using the SQL TRIM function with less than 4 parametersHHH-9842
- JPA 2.1 schema generation require a jdbc connectionHHH-9829
- subselect fetching ignores max results (proposed correction)HHH-9786Resolved issue: HHH-9786
- Collection as parameter in MEMBER OF-clause fail when contains more than 1 elementHHH-9779Resolved issue: HHH-9779
- TemporaryTableBulkIdStrategy always creates a temporary table even when the dropTemporaryTableAfterUse Dialect setting is set to trueHHH-9744
- hibernate doesn't shutdown correctly on web containerHHH-9721Resolved issue: HHH-9721Former user
- ignores hibernate.default_schemaHHH-9714
- Creating an index in the database incorrectly tries to qualify the index with table name for some databasesHHH-9713Resolved issue: HHH-9713Steve Ebersole
- Wrong SQL generated for delete with where crossing tables (sqldb)HHH-9712Resolved issue: HHH-9712
- Wrong SQL generated for delete with where crossing tables (derby, although hsqldb ALSO broken :()HHH-9711
- IllegalArgumentException passing null as parameter value with explicit TemporalTypeHHH-9710Resolved issue: HHH-9710Steve Ebersole
- Nulls first behavior on SQLServer databaseHHH-9707Resolved issue: HHH-9707Former user
- New Entities in CascadeType.PERSIST annotated relationship are not persisted upon commit in native APIHHH-9702Resolved issue: HHH-9702Former user
- Invalid SQL generated when using JPA CriteriaBuilder substring for MSSQLHHH-9696Resolved issue: HHH-9696
- H2 : Hibernate cannot validate it's own created schemaHHH-9693Resolved issue: HHH-9693Steve Ebersole
- insert stmts are duplicates when identity key generator is in use on table with BatchingBatchHHH-9692
- Criteria query built with restriction on treated join "Unable to locate Attribute"HHH-9691
- Combination of @OrderBy and @SortComparatorHHH-9688Resolved issue: HHH-9688Steve Ebersole
- HQL Query gives an invalid generated SQL when using joined-subclassHHH-9682Resolved issue: HHH-9682
- Metamodel generation uses wrong access type for embeddablesHHH-9681Resolved issue: HHH-9681
- TypeSafeActivator.applyDDL doesn't process composing constraints when @NotNull is presentHHH-9676Resolved issue: HHH-9676Vlad Mihalcea
- BasicPropertyAccessor: Fails randomly to find the getter of a propertyHHH-9672Resolved issue: HHH-9672
- OneToOne optional = false doesn't work with CascadeType.PERSISTHHH-9670
- Hibernate cannot cast Class X to Class X in GlassfishHHH-9666Resolved issue: HHH-9666Former user
- Fetch join is ignoredHHH-9664Resolved issue: HHH-9664Former user
- Orphan removal does not work for OneToOne relationsHHH-9663Resolved issue: HHH-9663Chris Cranford
- UserType not called for null-value in CriteriaUpdateHHH-9661
- Hibernate DDL allows only one IDENTITY generated IdHHH-9657Resolved issue: HHH-9657
- JPQL and CriteriaBuilder combination query issue "Or operator"HHH-9653Resolved issue: HHH-9653
- Validation of mappedBy attribute, specified for @...ToMany associationsHHH-9652
- javax.persistence.EntityManager.remove in some cases does not remove objectHHH-9651Resolved issue: HHH-9651Former user
- Incorrect generated SQL for embedded map in entity parentHHH-9649
- Update jboss logging to 3.2.1.FinalHHH-9647Resolved issue: HHH-9647Brett Meyer
- Wrong sql with filter, joined inheritance and OneToOne relationshipHHH-9646Resolved issue: HHH-9646Gavin King
- buildSessionFactory() should return a sessionFactoryHHH-9645Resolved issue: HHH-9645Sanne Grinovero
- [Doc] NoCacheProvider class does not exist anymoreHHH-9644Resolved issue: HHH-9644
- Embedded OneToMany association fetch join does not work in CriteriaQueryHHH-9642Resolved issue: HHH-9642Former user
- Resume uploading Javadoc JARs to MavenHHH-9641Resolved issue: HHH-9641
- Unwrap in HikariCPConnectionProvider fails to unwrap DataSourceHHH-9639Resolved issue: HHH-9639Brett Meyer
- Query.getResultList() prepended with dereferencing of no-proxy relation, causes violation of reference equality constraintHHH-9638Resolved issue: HHH-9638Vlad Mihalcea
- Have JPA PessimisticLockScope.EXTENDED propagate the same LockModeTypeHHH-9636
- SQLServer2005Dialect (and above) does not support read past lockingHHH-9635Resolved issue: HHH-9635Andrea Boriero
- l2 cache key constructed wrong for entity with inheritance when fetching lazy propertyHHH-9629Resolved issue: HHH-9629Steve Ebersole
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