- Failure with entity relationship using discriminator formulaHHH-12130
- @Where annotation not working with entities that use inheritanceHHH-12016
- Hibernate ActionQueue.sort() removes entities from insertion batchesHHH-11920Resolved issue: HHH-11920
- Stored Procedure does not convert to the entity in the resultclass for refcursorHHH-11800Resolved issue: HHH-11800
- Map of @Embeddables has values loaded only when != nullHHH-11723Resolved issue: HHH-11723Andrea Boriero
- [Patch] @AttributeOverride does not work for CompositeUserType inside of @EmbeddableHHH-11465Resolved issue: HHH-11465Vlad Mihalcea
- ImplicitNamingStrategyComponentPathImpl generates wrong column nameHHH-11427
- Oracle Spatial Dialect non-string mode is unavailableHHH-11301Resolved issue: HHH-11301
- Support SUBSELECT or SELECT FetchMode on @FetchProfileHHH-11275Resolved issue: HHH-11275
- Broken functionality for property "hibernate.default_entity_mode" in Hibernate 4.x, 5.xHHH-11273Resolved issue: HHH-11273
- Changes required after upgrading to Infinispan to 8.2HHH-11268Resolved issue: HHH-11268Radim Vansa
- hibernate-infinispan testsuite is brokenHHH-11267Resolved issue: HHH-11267Radim Vansa
- Timestamps cache fails validation if eviction strategy = MANUALHHH-11254Resolved issue: HHH-11254Paul Ferraro
- JPA hbm2ddl auto-generation creates ddl with invalid syntax for Unique Key with any MySQLDialectHHH-11236Resolved issue: HHH-11236Andrea Boriero
- EntityGraph ignored when using @LazyToOne(LazyToOneOption.NO_PROXY)HHH-11234Resolved issue: HHH-11234
- Getting nullpointer exception while executing queryHHH-11229Resolved issue: HHH-11229
- Storing superclass with inheritance JOINED strategy (Hibernate migration)HHH-11227Resolved issue: HHH-11227Former user
- A query fails when retrieving data from the second level cache (read from a disk)HHH-11222Resolved issue: HHH-11222Former user
- Hibernate 5 Bytecode Enhancement Association Management works just in one directionHHH-11196Resolved issue: HHH-11196Luis Barreiro
- HBM mapping: Customize unique key name for many-to-one with orphan-delete cascading failsHHH-11165Resolved issue: HHH-11165
- JPA CriteriaUpdate - NullLiteral causes IllegalArgumentException: Could not convert java type to Hibernate typeHHH-11159Resolved issue: HHH-11159Andrea Boriero
- Lazy properties are not updated if not all lazy properties (e.g. collections) are initializedHHH-11155Resolved issue: HHH-11155Steve Ebersole
- Update plugin parameters for maven enhancer pluginHHH-11149Resolved issue: HHH-11149Former user
- Log a warning if @Cache / @Cacheable specified on non-root entitiesHHH-11143Resolved issue: HHH-11143Former user
- Document supported use/implications of @Cache / @CacheableHHH-11142Resolved issue: HHH-11142Vlad Mihalcea
- StoredProcedureQuery does map a Boolean to BIT (1 or 0) instead of true or false using Oracle (Dialect + Database)HHH-11141Resolved issue: HHH-11141
- Audit tables storing incorrect discriminator value when using JOINED entity inheritance.HHH-11133Resolved issue: HHH-11133Chris Cranford
- @Any requires @AnyMetaDefHHH-11130Resolved issue: HHH-11130
- Hibernate release 5.2.2 causes high CPU usage initializing metamodel and parsing queriesHHH-11129
- Confused batch processing doc exampleHHH-11127Resolved issue: HHH-11127
- OneToOne level 2 caching limitationHHH-11124
- Update to 5.2 from 4.3 breaks optional lazy loaded propertiesHHH-10929Resolved issue: HHH-10929
- Enabling orphanRemoval on oneToMany relationship causes constraint violationHHH-10123Resolved issue: HHH-10123
- NullPointerException with indexed CollectionsHHH-7940Resolved issue: HHH-7940Chris Cranford
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Hibernate has introduced a new code snippet in AnnotationBinder.processElementAnnotations, that validates if the properties are inherited from a super class. If they are inherited, then remaining part of the method is not executed. In our case, it ignores a property as it is coming from a mapped super class. But, it remains ignored and never gets to the place where it is needed. In simple terms, this property comes neither from mapped super class nor from the sub class (ignored by both, assuming the other one processes it). Attached file shows how the entity is related. The error happens when the Notary entity is one-to-one mapped with Person entity on person_id column. Person_id column is not getting recognized from the Person entity hierarchy and exception is thrown (Not a single mapped property exception message)