- "round()" function in H2Dialect always returns Double as return type irrespective of argument.HHH-15228Resolved issue: HHH-15228Gavin King
- AuditQuery throws exception due to incorrect parameter bindingsHHH-13774Resolved issue: HHH-13774Chris Cranford
- ActionQueue.BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue incorrectly throws AssertionFailure wrapping a JPA exception instead of propagatingHHH-13386
- Query Cache should not be allowed for queris having Non Cacheable Query SpacesHHH-13331
- Hibernate Second Level Cache Integration with Cache - Clustering using RedisHHH-13329Resolved issue: HHH-13329
- "order_inserts = true" causes FK Violation when inserting Self Referential Entity with Single_Table Inherited EntitiesHHH-13068Resolved issue: HHH-13068Vlad Mihalcea
- PreUpdate/PrePersist not working for @Embeddable entitiesHHH-12326Resolved issue: HHH-12326Vlad Mihalcea
- Unique constraint violation Exception during insertion sortsHHH-12142Resolved issue: HHH-12142Former user
- The SchemaMigrator cannot check if an index exists on a combination of columns of a tableHHH-11974
- Unable to Audit EnitityHHH-11967Resolved issue: HHH-11967Chris Cranford
- Improve Performance of SQLServer2012LimitHandler.hasOrderBy()HHH-11929Resolved issue: HHH-11929Chris Cranford
- Hibernate ActionQueue.sort() removes entities from insertion batchesHHH-11920Resolved issue: HHH-11920
- HHH000260: Exception calling user Synchronization - hibernate update indexesHHH-11902Resolved issue: HHH-11902
- @UpdateTimestamp not working with @Inheritance( strategy = JOINED )HHH-11867Resolved issue: HHH-11867Andrea Boriero
- Prevent Hiberate 5 to create FK and Tables if already existingHHH-11865Resolved issue: HHH-11865
- Enhanced entity class resolves lazy field with OneToOne association when loadedHHH-11821Resolved issue: HHH-11821
- Do not inject CollectionTracker into entity without collectionHHH-11820Resolved issue: HHH-11820Luis Barreiro
- Silent fail of @UniqueConstraintHHH-11813
- Custom NamingStrategy should be able to define unique column names for CompositeUserType's with 2 columns or more.HHH-11812
- Hibernate Filter is not applied to entities brought in by an unassociated outer joinHHH-11659
- Hibernate Spatial returns NULL for non-NULL Geometry database columnHHH-11633Resolved issue: HHH-11633
- mockito.exceptions in HibernateHHH-11630
- Associated collection deleted after loading in byte-enhanced entitiesHHH-11608Resolved issue: HHH-11608
- java.time.LocalDate persisted to MySQL as 1 day less after Mar 12, 2017HHH-11578Resolved issue: HHH-11578
- Unloaded collections get deleted when entity is bytecode enhancedHHH-11576Resolved issue: HHH-11576Luis Barreiro
- SQLServerException: The index 1 is out of range when executiong Spring Data findAll(Pageable)HHH-11572Resolved issue: HHH-11572
- Hibernate Envers listeners fail because EntityManager is closed when using JPA/JTA/Hibernate 5.2.8/EnversHHH-11570Resolved issue: HHH-11570Andrea Boriero
- Return only distinct elements when query is hinted with EntityGraphHHH-11569Resolved issue: HHH-11569Vlad Mihalcea
- Throw QueryException rather than antlr-specific exceptions when query parsing fails.HHH-11568Resolved issue: HHH-11568
- ScrollableResultsIterator returns Object array instead of single resultHHH-11567
- Option to generate uppercase SQL keywordsHHH-11566Resolved issue: HHH-11566
- SessionImpl not all transient fields are restored after de-serialization. Leads to nullpointersHHH-11565
- Avoid calling multiple times org.hibernate.mapping.Component#getComponentClass() during the PojoComponentTuplizer creationHHH-11563Resolved issue: HHH-11563Andrea Boriero
- Investigate if we can use the following type mappings for SQL Server DialectsHHH-11562Resolved issue: HHH-11562Vlad Mihalcea
- Envers throws a MappingException for Lob + ElementCollection for non-audited properties.HHH-11560Resolved issue: HHH-11560Chris Cranford
- Fix tests catching exceptions without re-throwing themHHH-11559Resolved issue: HHH-11559Andrea Boriero
- Envers Query API throws NullPointerException when providing a non-audited entity class.HHH-11558Resolved issue: HHH-11558Chris Cranford
- DB2 gets confused with numerical parameters in nullif function DB2DialectHHH-11557Resolved issue: HHH-11557
- Database versioning + entity listener causes stale object exception whenHHH-11556
- AbstractSharedSessionContract doesn't restore ExceptionConverter after de-serializationHHH-11555Resolved issue: HHH-11555Andrea Boriero
- Inherited interfaces are not considered when creating EntityMetamodelHHH-11554Resolved issue: HHH-11554Chris Cranford
- JPA Datasource property ignoredHHH-11553
- Forward IOException in ClassFileArchiveEntryHandler::toClassFileHHH-11551Resolved issue: HHH-11551Vlad Mihalcea
- Add a warning or special handling when entities cannot be proxifiedHHH-11550
- Regression: Ambiguous attribute converters as converter for parent type is also asignedHHH-11548
- ForeignKey definition of @CollectionTable isn't properly usedHHH-11545Resolved issue: HHH-11545Christian Beikov
- Joins over type variable defined relations is non-deterministicHHH-11544Resolved issue: HHH-11544Christian Beikov
- Sometimes hibernate doesn't create constraint for foreign key in ManyToOne relationshipHHH-11543Resolved issue: HHH-11543Christian Beikov
- Allow the auto-commit resolution to be configurable for RESOURCE_LOCAL transactionsHHH-11542Resolved issue: HHH-11542Vlad Mihalcea
- Hibernate 5.1.0 does not validate entity after changing @OneToMany collectionHHH-11541
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