- Metamodel imports cache increases indefinitely for dynamically generated HQL aliases eventually leading to an OOMHHH-14948Resolved issue: HHH-14948Ivaylo Mitrev
- @Table annotation is ignored when fetching a lazy 1:m relationship - hibernate tries with derived name and causes SQL exception.HHH-14834Resolved issue: HHH-14834
- HibernateProxy class leaked on each entity manager factory closureHHH-14694Christian Beikov
- Bytecode enhancement @OneToOne + @LazyToOne not tracked properly when set to NULLHHH-13840Resolved issue: HHH-13840Ayala Goldstein
- Performance of simple select query from 4.3.10.Final to 5.4.2.FinalHHH-13786
- JPQL query fails against @Lob annotated field on PostgreSQLHHH-13667Resolved issue: HHH-13667Christian Beikov
- (deleted)HHH-13641Resolved issue: HHH-13641
- Hibernate + JCache does not remove entites from cache when entity is removedHHH-13632
- InstantTest, LocalDateTimeTest, OffsetDateTimeTest, ZonedDateTimeTest failing on Sybase for year 1600HHH-13558Resolved issue: HHH-13558Former user
- LocalTimeTest#writeThenNativeRead and OffsetTimeTest#writeThenNativeRead tests are failing on SQL ServerHHH-13557Resolved issue: HHH-13557Former user
- Provide a sample project with hibernate-agroal and JTAHHH-13535Resolved issue: HHH-13535
- Capture SQL for failing commandsHHH-13518
- Calling the wrong method inside SessionDelegatorBaseImpl#createStoredProcedureQueryHHH-13514Resolved issue: HHH-13514Andrea Boriero
- Avoid allocating an array in org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper#unquote(String[], Dialect) if there are no changes to be appliedHHH-13512Resolved issue: HHH-13512Sanne Grinovero
- Hibernate errors out in one-many relation, if the related entity has a instance field named size for one of the column.HHH-13510
- IllegalArgumentException: Parameter value [...] did not match expected typeHHH-13501Former user
- For a native query, the SessionImpl class does not call applyQuerySettingsAndHintsHHH-13493Resolved issue: HHH-13493
- OptimisticLockException after locking, refreshing, and updating an entityHHH-13492Resolved issue: HHH-13492Former user
- sorting accross entity associations filter null values because of unexpected cross joinsHHH-13489Resolved issue: HHH-13489
- QueryTranslatorImpl#getNamedParameterLocs is clearly wrongHHH-13488
- Support compile-time optimizationsHHH-13486
- FilterJoinTable does not to use the defualt conditionHHH-13485Resolved issue: HHH-13485Andrea Boriero
- Cannot save Instant Max or Min in Database.HHH-13482
- Connection leak with lazy load of references and AgroalHHH-13474Resolved issue: HHH-13474
- maven-metadata.xml are not updating for envers and c3p0 on maven centralHHH-13473Resolved issue: HHH-13473
- Error creating hibernate_sequence in MariaDB 10.3HHH-13472Resolved issue: HHH-13472Nathan Xu
- AuditReader find method throws an errorHHH-13470
- ClassCastException when changing a Collection association to a Set if @PreUpdate listener existsHHH-13466Resolved issue: HHH-13466Former user
- SequenceInformationExtractor does not take into account the schema indicated in ExtractionContext on PostreSQLHHH-13464
- Hibernate has a dependency on plexus-utils:3.0.1 that is vulnerable to CVE-2017-1000487 with a CVSS of 7.5HHH-13463Resolved issue: HHH-13463Sebastian Nohn
- java.lang.VerifyError from compile-time enhanced @EntityHHH-13446Resolved issue: HHH-13446Luis Barreiro
- org.hibernate.cache.spi.QueryKey.getNamedParameters( throws NullPointerExceptionHHH-13445
- Build failing to parse *.properties file attributes containing trailing spaceHHH-13443Resolved issue: HHH-13443Mohiuddin Ahmed
- CollectionType#getCollection() method improvementsHHH-13442Resolved issue: HHH-13442Andrea Boriero
- org.hibernate.persister.entity.DiscriminatorType is marked Serializable but is not. This breaks serialization of QueryKeyHHH-13441
- Further improvement of IN clause parameter padding for dialects with InExpressionCountLimitHHH-13437Resolved issue: HHH-13437Christian Beikov
- Have EntityManagerFactory expose persistence.xml `jta-data-source` element as a `javax.persistence.nonJtaDataSource` propertyHHH-13432Resolved issue: HHH-13432Steve Ebersole
- CascadeType.PERSIST does not work over 3 level if last level uses IdClassHHH-13430
- order-by attribute is ignored on maps defined via hbm.xmlHHH-13423
- ActionQueue.BeforeTransactionCompletionProcessQueue incorrectly throws AssertionFailure wrapping a JPA exception instead of propagatingHHH-13386
- No need to clear an unmodified managed persistent collection in preparation for mergeHHH-13349
- Unable to persist POJO entity which extends mapHHH-13339Resolved issue: HHH-13339
- Legacy Criteria API: could not resolve Property on One-To-One @PrimaryJoinColumn with hibernateHHH-13313Resolved issue: HHH-13313
- Incorrect SQL generated by EntityGraph when having ManyToOne and ManyToMany relations and fetch their childHHH-13031
- PreUpdate, PrePersist, PostLoad non functional with mergeHHH-12123
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