- NullPointer while closing the Database and commiting active TransitionHHH-17343
- Support orphan-removal for one-to-one inside @EmbeddableHHH-15063
- Metamodel imports cache increases indefinitely for dynamically generated HQL aliases eventually leading to an OOMHHH-14948Resolved issue: HHH-14948Ivaylo Mitrev
- Non-entity superclasses with XML mappings creates incorrect schemaHHH-14912Resolved issue: HHH-14912Christian Beikov
- Mapping Embeddable to Secondary Table with XML mapping creates incorrect schemaHHH-14910Resolved issue: HHH-14910Christian Beikov
- Entities referencing another table with JoinColumn#referencedColumnName run multiple queries because of EntityUniqueKeyHHH-14907Resolved issue: HHH-14907
- Hibernate 5, Oracle native query - DATE passed in as TIMESTAMP (regression from Hibernate 4)HHH-14894
- Don't forcefully acquire connection for transaction handlingHHH-14867Resolved issue: HHH-14867Christian Beikov
- JRT Module VFS SupportHHH-14858Marc Marc
- Get backend id from new transactionHHH-14853
- When setting use_revision_entity_with_native_id=true , ADD new record will execute additional sql to update audit table's end rev to current rev idHHH-14841Chris Cranford
- Extra cross-join generated on many-to-one or one-to-one entities using same tableHHH-14830Resolved issue: HHH-14830
- Bytecode enhancement generates invalid bytecode for final fieldsHHH-14828Resolved issue: HHH-14828Yoann Rodière
- Regression: OneToOne fields are always null if parent is loaded from L2 cacheHHH-14826Resolved issue: HHH-14826Amit Mendapara
- Null Pointer Exception during findDirty checkHHH-14823
- EntityKey 'null identifier' should not happenHHH-14821Resolved issue: HHH-14821
- Support null embedded objectsHHH-14818
- hibernate-core-jakarta source jar does not contain sourceHHH-14817Resolved issue: HHH-14817Christian Beikov
- Can not set lock mode with QueryHint due to type case problemHHH-14816Resolved issue: HHH-14816Dariush Moshiri
- RenderingContext::aliasCount is not preserved between createQuery() calls, leading to incorrect query if CriteriaQuery is changedHHH-14815Resolved issue: HHH-14815
- Inconsistent rendering of table alias in delete queriesHHH-14814Resolved issue: HHH-14814Yoann Rodière
- org.hibernate.AssertionFailure thrown instead of LazyInitializationException when trying to access a lazy property on a deleted entityHHH-14811Resolved issue: HHH-14811Yoann Rodière
- @NotBlank and @NotEmpty were used, "NOT NULL" option wasn't add in generated DDL.HHH-14810Resolved issue: HHH-14810geonhee lee
- No PostUpdateEvent fired when setting a property with @OneToOne(mappedBy = ...) to nullHHH-14798Resolved issue: HHH-14798Yoann Rodière
- Cannot replace an existing JPQL NamedQuery with a native NamedQueryHHH-14796Resolved issue: HHH-14796Sanne Grinovero
- Exception during multiload leaves EntityManager / Session and entities in an invalid stateHHH-14775Resolved issue: HHH-14775
- HQL cast as integer with MySQL not workingHHH-9812
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