- The save method of CrudRepository does not persist to the database when called from a Rabbit event.HHH-16278Resolved issue: HHH-16278
- Hibernate envers and ElementCollectionHHH-16154Chris Cranford
- Parameters out of order on inner join with entities with @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)HHH-16128
- Dynamic-map entity mode does not register a column for one-to-one associationsHHH-16100Resolved issue: HHH-16100
- OptimisticLockType.NONE ignoredHHH-16095
- Add spatial dialect for MariaDB 10.6 and laterHHH-16088Resolved issue: HHH-16088
- javax.persistence.lock.timeout does not fully work with PostgreSQLHHH-16071
- PreUpdate entity listener is broken with runtime bytecode enhancementHHH-16057
- Pessimistic write lock does not always return latest database stateHHH-16056
- JPA / Hibernate, duplicate pkey error when updating entity that is a subclass of a base class that uses IdClass for composite primary keyHHH-16054Resolved issue: HHH-16054aber tian
- Auditing @OneToMany parent child relation with composite key and owner on single side not workingHHH-16032Chris Cranford
- JPQL queries failing through composite keyHHH-16002
- CacheKeyImplementation is not serializable for some typesHHH-16001
- ElementCollection with nested Embeddables fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionHHH-15966Resolved issue: HHH-15966Christian Beikov
- Bytecode enhance with enableAssociationManagement not working for ManyToOne and MapHHH-15965
- Wrong column alias for composite embedded idHHH-15931Resolved issue: HHH-15931
- String Id leading zeros lose it on lazy loadHHH-15927
- Log "HHH000114: Handling transient entity in delete processing" shouldn't be logged on INFO level or not at allHHH-15908Resolved issue: HHH-15908Christian Beikov
- Sequence Information Extraction does not work for DB2400V7R3DialectHHH-15897
- With @IdClass @PrePersist and @PostPersist annotations are called twiceHHH-15896
- JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor uses wrong Generated annotationHHH-15877
- Add "query canceled" exception subtype for when Session.cancelQuery() is invoked by another threadHHH-15815
- Explicitly add JavaDoc to make @deprecated hint for createSQLQuery visible in EclipseHHH-15792Resolved issue: HHH-15792Sven Strickroth
- Explicit declaration assigned identifier generator does not workHHH-15741Resolved issue: HHH-15741Andrea Boriero
- JDBC Connection leak in o.h.tool.schema.extract.spi.ExtractionContextHHH-15735Resolved issue: HHH-15735
- orphanRemoval: Hibernate deletes entity if moved to freshly added parentHHH-15734
- @Convert on Map should not require "attributeName=value"HHH-15733Resolved issue: HHH-15733Marco Belladelli
- Disjunction with treat results in too restrictive queryHHH-15726Resolved issue: HHH-15726Christian Beikov
- SessionFactoryOptionsBuilder.addEntityNameResolvers() has no effectHHH-15689Resolved issue: HHH-15689Gavin King
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The save method of CrudRepository does not persist to the database when called from a Rabbit event.
Created March 10, 2023 at 9:07 AM
Updated March 21, 2023 at 8:57 AM
Resolved March 21, 2023 at 8:57 AM
When I call a method that has the save method from a rest controller, the method persists the entity. However, if I publish an event in rabbit and a microservice listens to that event that calls a method that has the save method, the entity is not persisted in the database. If you look at the hibernate logs you can see how calling from the controller logs the insert, but from the listener there is no log of the insert.
This bug can be removed. The issue was that we have 2 database in the same project (neo4j and mysql) and it seems that when the method is called from the listener it does not know what transaction manager to use.