- Envers does not properly deserialize jsonb colums to List<POJO>HHH-16925Chris Cranford
- Hibenate 5.6 fails with Jakarta 3 present on the classpathHHH-15419Resolved issue: HHH-15419Christian Beikov
- Testing apiHHH-15309Resolved issue: HHH-15309
- testingHHH-15296Resolved issue: HHH-15296
- SchemaExport.execute does not add the configured schema to commentsHHH-15265Resolved issue: HHH-15265Yoann Rodière
- Batching is broken for Hibernate versions >= 5.6.1.FinalHHH-15254Resolved issue: HHH-15254
- test apiHHH-15214Resolved issue: HHH-15214
- SchemaExport.execute does not replace the ${schema}-placeholder in HBM database-object with configured schemaHHH-15212Resolved issue: HHH-15212Yoann Rodière
- hibernate-jpamodelgen how to support generate unicode field?HHH-15136
- Hibernate schema migration fails if function-based indexes existHHH-15123
- ConstraintViolationException is thrown using same @SecondaryTable on two entitiesHHH-15117Resolved issue: HHH-15117Andrea Boriero
- Deleting an entity with Joined inheritance and default schema set is throwing and errorHHH-15115Resolved issue: HHH-15115Andrea Boriero
- Exception setting ParameterExpressions on Update QueriesHHH-15113Resolved issue: HHH-15113Andrea Boriero
- MappingException is thrown for @JoinColumn with referencedColumnName on a @SecondaryTableHHH-15111Resolved issue: HHH-15111Andrea Boriero
- AggregateClassLoader.findClass() drops all exceptionsHHH-15108Resolved issue: HHH-15108Jan Schatteman
- Getting the CacheRegionStatistics before executing a query leads to a NPE later onHHH-15105Resolved issue: HHH-15105Christian Beikov
- SequenceGenerator on MapperSuperClass is not picked up, unless the annotation is used at field levelHHH-15103
- Limitation of metamodel imports cache causes severe performance drops in large projectsHHH-15100Resolved issue: HHH-15100Sanne Grinovero
- suboptimal/incorrect behavior when updating managed oneToMany collection on entity with naturalIdHHH-15098Resolved issue: HHH-15098Andrea Boriero
- Hibernate fails to detect SQL type for AttributeConverter to UUIDHHH-15097Resolved issue: HHH-15097Christian Beikov
- Hibernate can't create table with column name 'value' in H2 2.1.210HHH-15092Resolved issue: HHH-15092Christian Beikov
- EntityManager.persist does not verify the existence of the one side of a many-to-one relationship, introduced 5.4.17HHH-15091Resolved issue: HHH-15091Andrea Boriero
- unit test: org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi.ClassLoadingException: HHH010003: JDBC Driver class not found:HHH-15089
- User Guide: deficient wrapping for too long lines in code excerpts / examplesHHH-15088
- Changing a string inside a ColumnTransformerHHH-15081
- Table creation failure due to H2 version compatibilityHHH-15076Resolved issue: HHH-15076Christian Beikov
- Backwards-incompatible changes in SequenceStyleGenerator (and others) following default_schema changesHHH-15069Resolved issue: HHH-15069Yoann Rodière
- Make NonNullableTransientDependencies.(String propertyName, Object transientEntity) method publicHHH-15067Resolved issue: HHH-15067DavideD
- Non-deterministic SQL statements when applying an EntityGraph with multiple attributesHHH-15065Resolved issue: HHH-15065Benedikt Waldvogel
- Specifying default_schema breaks joined inheritance deleteHHH-15062Resolved issue: HHH-15062
- temporary orphan with new parent gets removedHHH-15061Resolved issue: HHH-15061
- Fix handling of associations with @NotFoundHHH-15060Resolved issue: HHH-15060Steve Ebersole
- Association with id class misses property mapping for target FK attributesHHH-15051Resolved issue: HHH-15051Christian Beikov
- Fix NullPointerException in StatefulPersistenceContext.extractNaturalIdValues() #4706HHH-15050Resolved issue: HHH-15050
- Documentation : incorrect default value for property 'hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion'HHH-15049Resolved issue: HHH-15049
- Hibernate core 5.6.2.Final, 5.6.3.Final, 5.6.4.Final & 5.6.5.Final makes my app cannot startHHH-15004Resolved issue: HHH-15004Christian Beikov
- SequenceStyleGenerator + LegacyHiLoAlgorithmOptimizer generate (allocationSize + 1) IDs offline after incrementing the sequence, while SequenceHiLoGenerator + LegacyHiLoAlgorithmOptimizer generate only (allocationSize) IDs offline before doing the sameHHH-14656
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