- NullPointerException during the creation of the session if ManyToAny that references a MappedSuperClass and defined in multiple subclassesHHH-17871Resolved issue: HHH-17871Vincent Bouthinon
- WrongClassException when trying to query by the base type with joined inheritance typeHHH-17867Resolved issue: HHH-17867Marco Belladelli
- equivalence of persistent identity and Java identity inside a session is broken for lazy to-one relationsHHH-17330Resolved issue: HHH-17330
- Bytecode Enhancement, extra records created for associations created in constructorHHH-17049Resolved issue: HHH-17049Andrea Boriero
- parameters from pageable are not correctly propagated to the final query after migration from Hibernate 5.3.x to 6.0.0HHH-16757Resolved issue: HHH-16757Christian Beikov
- @DynamicUpdate and 'enableDirtyTracking=true' leads to wrong update statementHHH-16379Resolved issue: HHH-16379Andrea Boriero
- org.hibernate.AssertionFailure: force initializing collection loadingHHH-16199Resolved issue: HHH-16199Andrea Boriero
- AssertionError when using using native query on table with InheritanceStrategy.JOINEDHHH-16180Resolved issue: HHH-16180Jan Schatteman
- Error advancing (next) ResultSet position with Hibernate v6HHH-16120Resolved issue: HHH-16120Andrea Boriero
- UnknownTableReferenceException: Unable to determine TableReference (`PM_SERVICE_GROUP`) for `com.frontierssys.infrastructure.core.framework.persistence.model.Service.serviceMapping.{fk-target}HHH-16093Resolved issue: HHH-16093
- Exception when find by association id that is a generic @EmbeddedId with @MappedSuperclassHHH-16070Resolved issue: HHH-16070Marco Belladelli
- Sporadic ClassCastException when querying for Set<Enum>.HHH-15968Resolved issue: HHH-15968Marco Belladelli
- Embeddable with more fields than the parent fails with Index out of BoundsHHH-15658Resolved issue: HHH-15658Andrea Boriero
- PostgreSQL integration classes shouldn't throw ClassNotFoundException on org.postgresql driver classes that we try loadingHHH-15438Resolved issue: HHH-15438Christian Beikov
- CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver and MultiTenantConnectionProvider don't seem to get picked up from the BeanContainerHHH-15422Resolved issue: HHH-15422Yanming Zhou (quaff@github)
- Envers failure when run under SecurityManagerHHH-15371Resolved issue: HHH-15371Scott Marlow
- UnknownTableReferenceException when two subclasses have same field with different typeHHH-15369Resolved issue: HHH-15369Andrea Boriero
- Unable to get primary information on some dialects (ex: Oracle) when the PK column's position doesn't match the alphabetical name's orderHHH-15356Resolved issue: HHH-15356Andrea Boriero
- NPE building mapping from HBM for associations targeting a non existing entityHHH-15354Resolved issue: HHH-15354Andrea Boriero
- @ManyToOne associations not loaded correctly with default EAGER and batch fetch property setHHH-15346Resolved issue: HHH-15346Andrea Boriero
- Inappropriate variation of HQL left join to SQL inner joinHHH-15342Resolved issue: HHH-15342Andrea Boriero
- Constructor expressions in the SELECT clause ignores attribute converterHHH-15331Resolved issue: HHH-15331Andrea Boriero
- Remove workaround for HHH-10382HHH-15329Resolved issue: HHH-15329Christoph Dreis
- Hibernate (6.0.2) Regression. Sets Legacy java.persistence properties, then logs deprecation warnings on these which spams logHHH-15324Resolved issue: HHH-15324Andrea Boriero
- 6.0 Migration Guide misses Hibernate Ant migrationHHH-15319
- Session.createQuery() doesn't accept JpaCriteriaInsertSelectHHH-15316Resolved issue: HHH-15316Steve Ebersole
- Testing apiHHH-15309Resolved issue: HHH-15309
- NPE on metamodel attribute with @Id @OneToOne placed in MappedSuperclassHHH-15284
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