- Regression in automatic association managementHHH-18557Resolved issue: HHH-18557
- UUID Support for MariaDB (Enterprise Server) Already Available Since 10.6.9HHH-18245
- Exception when find by field of generic @EmbeddedId with @MappedSuperclassHHH-16188Resolved issue: HHH-16188Marco Belladelli
- Using hibernate.jdbc.batch_size configuration causes BatchedTooManyRowsAffectedException for OneToMany relationship with orphan removalHHH-16112Resolved issue: HHH-16112Marco Belladelli
- Field annotated with @Version does not increase when entity is updated using mergeHHH-16111Resolved issue: HHH-16111
- Using BatchEntitySelectFetchInitializer causes PostLoad to be called before references are initializedHHH-16106Resolved issue: HHH-16106Andrea Boriero
- Dynamic-map entity mode does not register a column for one-to-one associationsHHH-16100Resolved issue: HHH-16100
- Hibernate 6.x breaks collection batch fetchingHHH-16043Resolved issue: HHH-16043Marco Belladelli
- AssertionError for @JoinColumn with char[] property referencing a String propertyHHH-16040Resolved issue: HHH-16040Marco Belladelli
- Many-to-Many inverse mapping referencing the same class uses pk instead of fk field for removalHHH-16033Resolved issue: HHH-16033Andrea Boriero
- @ManyToMany with @JoinTable(inverseColumn = ...) and SortedSet may results in data lossHHH-16031Resolved issue: HHH-16031Andrea Boriero
- Using BatchEntitySelectFetchInitializer with caching leads to caching wrong valuesHHH-16025Resolved issue: HHH-16025Christian Beikov
- ElementCollection with nested Embeddables fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionHHH-15966Resolved issue: HHH-15966Christian Beikov
- Speed-up Oracle CI buildHHH-15961Resolved issue: HHH-15961Loïc Lefèvre
- @Basic(optional=false) has no effectHHH-15934Resolved issue: HHH-15934Gavin King
- broken SQL generated for @ManyToOne with @JoinColumn which references a column of a @SecondaryTableHHH-15933Resolved issue: HHH-15933Marco Belladelli
- Update EDB testing to version 15HHH-15871Resolved issue: HHH-15871Christian Beikov
- figure out the future of org.hibernate.tupleHHH-15800Resolved issue: HHH-15800Steve Ebersole
- API/internal split for org.hibernate.cfg packageHHH-15799Resolved issue: HHH-15799Steve Ebersole
- Further javadoc corrections and improvementsHHH-15785Resolved issue: HHH-15785Marco Belladelli
- Add filter predicates to SpatialCriteriaBuilder using Minimum-Bounding Rectangle style functionsHHH-15783Karel Maesen
- StatefulPersistenceContext#clear shouldn't need defensive copies for iterationHHH-15651Resolved issue: HHH-15651Sanne Grinovero
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