- Custom UserType not recognised for array propertiesHHH-18787Resolved issue: HHH-18787Čedomir Igaly
- Jsonb inheritance (InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE) null constraint bug in PostgreSQL 15+HHH-18392
- Hibernate polymorphic join in complex subquery not using discriminatorHHH-18174Resolved issue: HHH-18174Marco Belladelli
- HQL Polymorphic join does not use discriminatorHHH-18171Resolved issue: HHH-18171
- Setting @Id properties in an @IdClass annotated @Entity in @PrePersist fails but succeeds with @EmbeddedId as of 6.2.22.FinalHHH-18090Resolved issue: HHH-18090
- CompositeId, when the id assigned by PrePersist method an HibernateException: identifier of an instance of _ was altered is thrownHHH-18032Resolved issue: HHH-18032Andrea Boriero
- NPE in TupleMappingModelExpressible constructor with ConverterHHH-17995Resolved issue: HHH-17995
- Same named formula attribute of different Embedded uses same selection expressionHHH-17885Resolved issue: HHH-17885Christian Beikov
- Missing custom join conditions for inner joined element collection joinHHH-17830Resolved issue: HHH-17830Christian Beikov
- Restore AbstractSqmSelfRenderingFunctionDescriptor backwards compatibilityHHH-17681Resolved issue: HHH-17681Christian Beikov
- COALESCE usage in SQL is broken when giving NULL as second parameterHHH-17677Resolved issue: HHH-17677Gavin King
- Memory leak in type registryHHH-17662Resolved issue: HHH-17662Stephanie Miller
- Oracle text "WHERE contains(...) > 0" clause in Query won't pass startup validationHHH-17593
- select BigInteger with "IN" clause not possible in hibernate-core 6.4.1 - causing exceptionHHH-17590Resolved issue: HHH-17590
- Metamodel Generator with JDK11 and ormXml failsHHH-17579Resolved issue: HHH-17579Laurent Schoelens
- Cannot validate schema for DB2zDialect when a non-alias sequence existsHHH-17577
- Exception on query: Could not convert ‘java.util.Currency’ to ‘java.util.Currency’ using ‘’ to wrapHHH-17574Resolved issue: HHH-17574H. Lo
- The none variant of BytecodeProviderImpl @Nullable ReflectionOptimizer getReflectionOptimizer(Class<?> clazz, Map<String, PropertyAccess> propertyAccessMap) should return nullHHH-17568Resolved issue: HHH-17568Andrea Boriero
- SqlType.LONG32VARCHAR crashes with null value on PostgresHHH-17567
- NullPointerException at OracleServerConfiguration classHHH-17561Resolved issue: HHH-17561Marco Belladelli
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in DirtyHelper.isModified()HHH-17560Resolved issue: HHH-17560Andrea Boriero
- Resultset gets closed to early because of the NaturalIdCacheHHH-17556Resolved issue: HHH-17556Thorsten Goetzke
- No join on the table of the parent class with JOINED inheritance strategy when the select not contains a column used in @Where or @SQLRestrictionHHH-17554Resolved issue: HHH-17554
- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null when loading an entityHHH-17553Resolved issue: HHH-17553
- Explicit selection of an @Embeddable property containing associated collections doesn't workHHH-17528Resolved issue: HHH-17528Marco Belladelli
- Behavior change of Criteria API with SQM for inheritance JOINEDHHH-17527
- StackOverflowError when using @ManyToMany with composite idHHH-17525Resolved issue: HHH-17525
- Implicitly requiring antlr4-runtime and jakarta.xml.bind-api when using mavenHHH-17524Resolved issue: HHH-17524
- Support correlation of CTEsHHH-17522
- Multiple from clause elements expose unqualified attribute: idHHH-17521Resolved issue: HHH-17521
- Schema creation fails with interval second data type on PostgreSQLHHH-17520Resolved issue: HHH-17520Andrea Boriero
- Initializing a lazy association with a non aggregate id causes a NPEHHH-17519Resolved issue: HHH-17519Andrea Boriero
- Joining CTE in HQL doesn't workHHH-17518
- Select aliases don't work in summarization functionsHHH-17517
- DynamicInstantiationResult wrong java type constructor selectedHHH-17515Resolved issue: HHH-17515Marco Belladelli
- Metamodel generation fails on Map<String, Map<String, Object>> fieldHHH-17514Resolved issue: HHH-17514Andrea Boriero
- The @SoftDelete HQL join entity does not generate a delete conditionHHH-17511Resolved issue: HHH-17511Jan Schatteman
- Could not convert 'java.time.Year' to 'java.time.Year' using '' to wrapHHH-17507Resolved issue: HHH-17507H. Lo
- @NamedQuery leads to Compilation failure Error generating JPA metamodel: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetExceptionHHH-17501Resolved issue: HHH-17501
- Native Image: Error starting applicationHHH-17500
- SemanticException when querying embedded id entity with positional parameterHHH-17499Resolved issue: HHH-17499Marco Belladelli
- Criteria scroll without fetch fails due to closed result setHHH-17497Resolved issue: HHH-17497
- Inconsistent handling of enum fieldsHHH-17496Resolved issue: HHH-17496Craig Muchinsky
- Metamodel generator produces an uncompilable class when an EntityGraph name contains a commaHHH-17494Resolved issue: HHH-17494Réda Housni Alaoui
- UnknownEntityTypeException thrown when multiple subclasses define an attribute with the same name and one is a MappedSuperclassHHH-17491Resolved issue: HHH-17491Marco Belladelli
- ConcurrentModificationException after upgrading to 6.4.0HHH-17489Resolved issue: HHH-17489Marco Belladelli
- Computed hashcode values can varyHHH-17485Resolved issue: HHH-17485
- Wrong column type generated for Envers audit tablesHHH-17484Chris Cranford
- Not all entities are generated using jpamodelgen version 6.3 and 6.4HHH-17476
- 6.4.0 regression: NullPointerException in DefaultEvictEventListener#onEvictHHH-17464Resolved issue: HHH-17464Andrea Boriero
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