- Composite User Types provided through TypeContributor are incorrectly registeredHHH-19231
- @NamedEntityGraph entity loading fails with AssertionError in org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.Initializer.getResolvedInstance when loading multiple collections with composite key classesHHH-19137
- The columnDefinition field of joinColumn does not take effectHHH-19118Resolved issue: HHH-19118Gavin King
- h-schema no longer replaced with configured value for some native queriesHHH-19102
- AbstractJavaTimeJdbcType extending types are not treated as comparableHHH-19099
- Enum Query Parameter Mapping too strict: inconsistent handling of HQL queriesHHH-19032
- AssertionError in org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.Initializer.getResolvedInstance()HHH-19021
- NullPointerException in ClassPropertyHolder.addPropertyToMappedSuperclass()HHH-19020
- Embeddable inheritance + default_schema results in NPE at startupHHH-18988Resolved issue: HHH-18988Čedomir Igaly
- NPE while selecting embeddable fields from union queryHHH-18985Resolved issue: HHH-18985
- Hibernate inserts data in the wrong columns for list of records with @OrderColumnHHH-18957Hibernate External Jira Sync
- Error executing insert native query with upsert behavior using EntityManager after upgrading to Hibernate version 6.6.0.CR1HHH-18956
- JpaCriteriaQuery.orderBy combined with nested CriteriaBuilder.constructs produces incorrect results.HHH-18921
- NPE for cached entity with arrayHHH-18909
- Generated entity.index package causes package split in modular 9+ applicationsHHH-18897Resolved issue: HHH-18897
- AssertionErrors in EntityInitializerImplHHH-18889Resolved issue: HHH-18889
- Lock acquisition on entity persisted without clearing returns lock mode PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENTHHH-18888
- Entity gets updated when a query is performed. Dirty check changesHHH-18887Resolved issue: HHH-18887
- When initializing version attribute to a negative value then a TransientObjectException is thrown when loading an entityHHH-18883Resolved issue: HHH-18883Gavin King
- Nested NativeQuery mappings causing 'Could not locate TableGroup' exception after migrationHHH-18871
- Wrong behaviour of getAttribute method in impl. of ManagedType when scattered id attributes are used in MappedSuperclassHHH-18868Resolved issue: HHH-18868Čedomir Igaly
- jpamodelgen 6.6 performance issue in Eclipse IDEHHH-18863Resolved issue: HHH-18863Gavin King
- Group by error due to subselect using foreign key reference instead of primary key in HQL queryHHH-18862Resolved issue: HHH-18862Marco Belladelli
- Updates on SecondaryTable cause incorrect cast for BigDecimalHHH-18860
- Incorrect Dialect auto selection when using JTOpen driver with DB2 for iHHH-18856Resolved issue: HHH-18856
- EntityManager.find method does not generate SubselectFetchesHHH-18855Leon Schenk
- ArrayContainsArgumentTypeResolver wrongly infers array type for needle argumentHHH-18851Resolved issue: HHH-18851Christian Beikov
- createCountQuery with Hibernate 6.6.2HHH-18850Resolved issue: HHH-18850Gavin King
- Regression: CollectionType.replace() breaks if target is PersistentCollection, but not instance of Collection (e.g. PersistentMap)HHH-18842Resolved issue: HHH-18842Andrea Boriero
- BiDirectional handling causes unexpected IMMEDIATE fetchHHH-18838
- Oracle epoch extraction doesn't work with datesHHH-18837
- MySQL 'every' emulation broken when used as window functionHHH-18836
- AssertionError when executing insert-selectHHH-18835
- Bytecode enhancement skipped for entities with "compute-only" @Transient propertiesHHH-18832Resolved issue: HHH-18832Yoann Rodière
- Hibernate metamodel initialization fails on nested Embeddable that implements MappedSuperclassHHH-18788Marco Belladelli
- TransientObjectException on persistent entity in CascadingActions CHECK_ON_FLUSHHHH-18751Resolved issue: HHH-18751Gavin King
- Stored procedure is executed twice when error is raised from DB.HHH-18727Marco Belladelli
- Joined + discriminator inheritance treat in where clause not restricting to subtypeHHH-18583Resolved issue: HHH-18583Marco Belladelli
- Code generation not working with FK based on composite keyHHH-18228Resolved issue: HHH-18228SteGr
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