- "Soft delete" in Hibernate with OneToOne mappingHHH-18333Resolved issue: HHH-18333
- Wrong table alias names when performing count query on inheritance join strategyHHH-17911
- Semicolon(`;`) will affects paramter mappingHHH-17717Resolved issue: HHH-17717qinxi
- JOINED @Inheritance leads to bad performance in Hibernate 6HHH-17646Resolved issue: HHH-17646Christian Beikov
- Insert does not insert username and password of entity to databseHHH-17636
- Sorting by collection attribute yields wrong number of elements when using takeHHH-17610
- org.hibernate.query.UnknownParameterException: Could not locate ordinal parameter [2], expecting one of [1]HHH-17509
- IngresSqlAstTranslator wrongly assumes Ingres supports parameterized offset/fetch queriesHHH-17366
- @IdClass does not allow JPQL to use dot operator to access field of composite key.HHH-17198
- java.sql.SQLException: Column 'id' not found.HHH-17149Resolved issue: HHH-17149
- Error In Native Query when adding two Entity's and using composite key. Error: Unable to find column position by name.HHH-17108Resolved issue: HHH-17108Andrea Boriero
- add SelectionQuery.getResultCount()HHH-16931Resolved issue: HHH-16931Gavin King
- Query.setOrder() for native SQL queriesHHH-16902
- Different SQL queries for @ManyToMany relationships in Hibernate 5 and 6HHH-16595Resolved issue: HHH-16595Christian Beikov
- SQM could not correct resolve Generics Embeddable idsHHH-16491Resolved issue: HHH-16491Marco Belladelli
- Hibernate native query returns duplicate column values with addScalar() callHHH-16489Prithvi singh
- Invalid generated SQL query when accessing join from a treated abstract superclass pathHHH-16123Resolved issue: HHH-16123Marco Belladelli
- Unable to determine TableReference when associate ManyToOne fetch lazy and NotFound IGNORE: issue using ProjectionHHH-15990Resolved issue: HHH-15990Andrea Boriero
- Time zone format issue resulting in "ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string"HHH-15659
- Error In Native Query where column is mapped twiceHHH-15608Resolved issue: HHH-15608Andrea Boriero
- Composite primary key with NativeQuery & alias not workingHHH-15418Resolved issue: HHH-15418Andrea Boriero
- Mysql backslashed quotes are not considered when searching for named parametersHHH-15282
- NullPointerException onHHH-15266Resolved issue: HHH-15266Christian Beikov
- After update to spring boot 2.6.3 from 2.5.X hibernate does not work in some query syntaxHHH-15083
- Add Query hint for specifying "query spaces" for native queriesHHH-14325Resolved issue: HHH-14325Steve Ebersole
- org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not prepare statement; when trying to delete entitiesHHH-14122Resolved issue: HHH-14122
- org.hibernate.procedure.ProcedureOutputsImpl tries to map all returned resultsets to the column set of the first resultsetHHH-13983
- SQL query printing on WildFlyHHH-13894Resolved issue: HHH-13894
- does not check if ResultSet is closedHHH-13813
- Problem in MariaDB implementationHHH-13406Resolved issue: HHH-13406
- Query does resolve references @AttributeOverride with @ElementCollectionHHH-13344
- Criteria query/HQL ast without ORDER BY + EntityGraph = ignored GROUP BYHHH-12960
- Descending "order by" on composite fields in HQL generates corresponding SQL "order by" incorrectlyHHH-12234
- Query not built properly when joining a table based on classHHH-12076Resolved issue: HHH-12076Christian Beikov
- Implement REF_CURSOR support for StoredProcedureQuery.getOutputParameterValue(4);HHH-11863Resolved issue: HHH-11863Vlad Mihalcea
- Hibernate Soft Delete on Many to Many Creating Strange Query on FindHHH-11648
- Add support for PARTITION keyword in @FormulaHHH-10754Resolved issue: HHH-10754Vlad Mihalcea
- Allow setting of logging category on queries and configuring logging levels for each categoryHHH-10716Resolved issue: HHH-10716
- subselect fetching ignores max resultsHHH-9785Resolved issue: HHH-9785
- Bug in JPQL "SELECT NEW" regarding java.sql.Date typeHHH-9525
- SQL query clears all cacheHHH-9481Resolved issue: HHH-9481Steve Ebersole
- @OneToOne + FetchType.LAZY fetches aggressivelyHHH-9447Resolved issue: HHH-9447Former user
- JPA 2.1 ConstructorResult Causing ClassCastExceptionHHH-9445Gunnar Morling
- Throw exception for treat(path as type) if target type is not a subtype of path typeHHH-9395
- Select path with subtype property throws an SQLExceptionHHH-9347Resolved issue: HHH-9347Former user
- Generated SQL using setMaxResults/setFirstResult possible duplicate entities in pages in Oracle when using rownum and ordering by non unique column - adding rowid would remove chances of duplicates in oracleHHH-9317
- Could not insert in data base Postgresql 9 with Hibernate 4.3.5HHH-9262Resolved issue: HHH-9262
- Make it customizable how parameters in native queries are detectedHHH-9190Resolved issue: HHH-9190Gunnar Morling
- createNativeQuery's setParameter does not support nullHHH-9165Resolved issue: HHH-9165
- createNativeQuery.setParameter() does not support BigDecimalHHH-9164Resolved issue: HHH-9164
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