- Small optimisation for how LazyAttributeLoadingInterceptor is dealing with lazy fieldsHHH-15274Resolved issue: HHH-15274Sanne Grinovero
- Inconsistent precedence of orm.xml implicit catalog over "default_catalog" in XML-mapped entitiesHHH-15270Resolved issue: HHH-15270Yoann Rodière
- SchemaExport.execute does not add the configured schema to commentsHHH-15265Resolved issue: HHH-15265Yoann Rodière
- Introduce an helper class SPI for decorating a Session instance when the instance is lazily providedHHH-15222Resolved issue: HHH-15222Sanne Grinovero
- SchemaExport.execute does not replace the ${schema}-placeholder in HBM database-object with configured schemaHHH-15212Resolved issue: HHH-15212Yoann Rodière
- Backport Jenkinsfile and GH actionsHHH-15178Resolved issue: HHH-15178Christian Beikov
- CriteriaQuery with Like predicate fails when repeated with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter value [] did not match expected type [java.lang.String (n/a)]HHH-15142Resolved issue: HHH-15142Andrea Boriero
- Update a bytecode enhanced Entity with a Version attribute causes OptimisticLockExceptionHHH-15134Resolved issue: HHH-15134Francesco Marino
- EntityManager.persist does not verify the existence of the one side of a many-to-one relationship, introduced 5.4.17HHH-15091Resolved issue: HHH-15091Andrea Boriero
- @JoinColumn must be set for @AssociationOverride to workHHH-4384Resolved issue: HHH-4384Andrea Boriero
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