- Various micro upgrades of Jakarta EE10 APIs and references used by integration testsHHH-16330Resolved issue: HHH-16330Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Mockito 5.1.1HHH-16329Resolved issue: HHH-16329Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Ehcache 3.10.8HHH-16328Resolved issue: HHH-16328Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Micrometer 1.10.4HHH-16327Resolved issue: HHH-16327Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to JUnit 5.9.2HHH-16326Resolved issue: HHH-16326Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade Hibernate Validator to 8.0.0.FinalHHH-16325Resolved issue: HHH-16325Sanne Grinovero
- Update JPA TCK to 3.1.2HHH-16324Resolved issue: HHH-16324Christian Beikov
- Ensure new service ParameterMarkerStrategy can be looked up efficientlyHHH-16323Resolved issue: HHH-16323Sanne Grinovero
- Merge of entities having a collection with orphanRemoval true fails when bytecode enhancement is enabledHHH-16322Resolved issue: HHH-16322Andrea Boriero
- Support H2's native json DDL type using custom 'format json' write expressionsHHH-16320Resolved issue: HHH-16320Marco Belladelli
- Move version specific dialects of unsupported versions to hibernate-community-dialectsHHH-16316Resolved issue: HHH-16316Christian Beikov
- Throw an appropriate error when a mappedBy property references the wrong entity typeHHH-16313Resolved issue: HHH-16313Marco Belladelli
- Migrate away from UserType for enum handlingHHH-16311Resolved issue: HHH-16311Steve Ebersole
- Fix regressions in documentation and support for MultiTenantConnectionProviderHHH-16310Resolved issue: HHH-16310Yoann Rodière
- Finish Gradle plugin DSLHHH-16307Resolved issue: HHH-16307Steve Ebersole
- Document that TimeZoneStorageType.NORMALIZE normalizes to the JVM timezone, not to `hibernate.jdbc.time_zone`, upon reading valuesHHH-16302Resolved issue: HHH-16302Yoann Rodière
- Removing an element from a collection of elements removes the whole collectionHHH-16297Resolved issue: HHH-16297Andrea Boriero
- Mark `o.h.persister.entity` and `o.h.persister.collection` as internalHHH-16290Resolved issue: HHH-16290Steve Ebersole
- Rename JdbcParameterRender to ParameterMarkerStrategyHHH-16284Resolved issue: HHH-16284Steve Ebersole
- Make it possible for Hibernate Reactive to plug in some custom initializersHHH-16282Resolved issue: HHH-16282Davide D'Alto
- Fix Jackson XML mapper support for Oracle Array data typesHHH-16280Resolved issue: HHH-16280Marco Belladelli
- Hibernate ORM with hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files_sql_extractor = multi-line fails to process import.sql containing only commentsHHH-16279Resolved issue: HHH-16279Yoann Rodière
- More readable exception for non-compliant @OrderBy expressionsHHH-16276Resolved issue: HHH-16276Steve Ebersole
- Support for Dialect native ParameterMarkerStrategyHHH-16273Resolved issue: HHH-16273Steve Ebersole
- Remove `@Where#applyInToManyFetch`HHH-16265Resolved issue: HHH-16265Steve Ebersole
- Deprecate `hibernate.use_entity_where_clause_for_collections`HHH-16264Resolved issue: HHH-16264Steve Ebersole
- Unable to Join Tables with Superclasses - JoinColumn Occours Out of OrderHHH-16263Resolved issue: HHH-16263Gavin King
- JdbcParameterRenderer not called with dynamic filtersHHH-16260Resolved issue: HHH-16260Steve Ebersole
- NPE with SubselectFetch and inheritanceHHH-16258Resolved issue: HHH-16258Andrea Boriero
- Add `@JavaServiceLoadable` to document Services or strategies that are loadable as Java servicesHHH-16257Resolved issue: HHH-16257Steve Ebersole
- JdbcParameterRenderer to have an impact on write operationsHHH-16256Resolved issue: HHH-16256Steve Ebersole
- SQL syntax error on drop constraintHHH-16252Resolved issue: HHH-16252Sanne Grinovero
- Criteria Query with Object-Typed Embedded Parameter throws AssertionErrorHHH-16247Resolved issue: HHH-16247Gavin King
- Document fate of Settings.MULTI_TENANTHHH-16246Resolved issue: HHH-16246Yoann Rodière
- ClassCastException when inserting an Entity with @CreationTimestamp in a StatelessSessionHHH-16240Resolved issue: HHH-16240Jan Schatteman
- Add support for multiple generic embeddable properties in MappedSuperclassHHH-16238Resolved issue: HHH-16238Marco Belladelli
- versionUpdateGroup is null for Enity extending another Entity when only ElementCollection is updated.HHH-16237Resolved issue: HHH-16237Marco Belladelli
- NPE when enabling DEBUG on orm.results.loading in Hibernate 6.1.7HHH-16234Resolved issue: HHH-16234Marco Belladelli
- Refactor discovery of exact JDBC drivers, avoid static state in specialized typesHHH-16224Resolved issue: HHH-16224Christian Beikov
- Deprecate all "javax." constants defined in org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettingsHHH-16223Resolved issue: HHH-16223Sanne Grinovero
- Composite primary key @IdClass attribute mapping is borrowed from the first OneToMany backref and cannot be setHHH-16215Resolved issue: HHH-16215Andrea Boriero
- Right join wrongly added to subquery when using FetchMode.SUBSELECT and is null predicateHHH-16213Resolved issue: HHH-16213Marco Belladelli
- Error with like predicate's escape literal and converted char array propertyHHH-16211Resolved issue: HHH-16211Marco Belladelli
- Join fetching nested @OneToMany collections causes result multiplicationHHH-16210Resolved issue: HHH-16210Marco Belladelli
- Fix splitting of SqlAstCreationStateHHH-16198Resolved issue: HHH-16198Steve Ebersole
- Since Hibernate ORM 6.x the FetchType.EAGER called from native queries raises errorHHH-16191Resolved issue: HHH-16191Marco Belladelli
- Hibernate 6, wrong order by and group by generatedHHH-16189Resolved issue: HHH-16189Andrea Boriero
- Exception when find by field of generic @EmbeddedId with @MappedSuperclassHHH-16188Resolved issue: HHH-16188Marco Belladelli
- AssertionError when using using native query on table with InheritanceStrategy.JOINEDHHH-16180Resolved issue: HHH-16180Jan Schatteman
- Session.find should not apply filtersHHH-16179Resolved issue: HHH-16179Christian Beikov
50 of 61
Upgrading JAXB Runtime to 4.0.2 (from 4.0.1), Jakarta Validation to 3.0.2 (from 3.0.0) , CDI to 4.0.1 (from 4.0.0), Jakarta Inject to 2.0.1 (from 2.0.0), Glassfish expressly to 5.0.0 (from 5.0.0-M2)