- Revert SybaseDialect NameQualifierSupport to CATALOG onlyHHH-16528Resolved issue: HHH-16528Christian Beikov
- Ability to drop-in extra JDBC driversHHH-16511Resolved issue: HHH-16511Steve Ebersole
- Split parameter limit and IN element limitHHH-16509Resolved issue: HHH-16509Steve Ebersole
- Remove StreamDecoratorsHHH-16508Resolved issue: HHH-16508Christoph Dreis
- Hibernate 6.0+ use the wrong logger name for logging the SQL dialectHHH-16507Resolved issue: HHH-16507Sven Strickroth
- Avoid unnecessary reflection in StreamDecoratorHHH-16500Resolved issue: HHH-16500Christoph Dreis
- Deprecate JUnit 4 testing annotationsHHH-16497Resolved issue: HHH-16497Yoann Rodière
- OneToManyCollectionPart doesn't disassemble properly embeddable IdClassHHH-16493Resolved issue: HHH-16493Andrea Boriero
- Hibernate 6 does not auto flush when calling with NativeQueryHHH-16492Resolved issue: HHH-16492Andrea Boriero
- Hibernate ORM 6.2.1 / Wrong select clause generated / OneToOne between the same entityHHH-16488Resolved issue: HHH-16488
- Insert ordering doesn't consider root entity namesHHH-16485Resolved issue: HHH-16485Christian Beikov
- Convert Functions in StandardConverters to static methods that can be used as method referencesHHH-16482Resolved issue: HHH-16482Steve Ebersole
- Add a new WrapperArrayHandling for enabled JPA complianceHHH-16481Resolved issue: HHH-16481Steve Ebersole
- Generic enum in @MappedSuperclass fails with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Named type [...] did not implement BasicType nor UserTypeHHH-16479Resolved issue: HHH-16479Andrea Boriero
- LAZY @ManyToOne may again break EAGER @ManyToOne when used on the same entity in a different parent with Bytecode EnhancementHHH-16477Resolved issue: HHH-16477Andrea Boriero
- Join fetch a recursive relationship with EmbeddedId fetches wrong valuesHHH-16473Resolved issue: HHH-16473Marco Belladelli
- Entities serialized in QueryKey causes java.lang.ClassCastExceptionHHH-16471Resolved issue: HHH-16471Andrea Boriero
- Don't create fetch for _identifierMapper anymoreHHH-16468Resolved issue: HHH-16468Christian Beikov
- ARRAY parameter support for multi-key loadsHHH-16466Resolved issue: HHH-16466Steve Ebersole
- JDBC statement is not closed when DeferredResultSetAccess fails to execute a queryHHH-16458Resolved issue: HHH-16458Yoann Rodière
- Values returned in ValueAccess.getValues() and getValue(…) not alphabetical for Java recordsHHH-16457Resolved issue: HHH-16457Andrea Boriero
- Improve support for @BatchSizeHHH-16441Resolved issue: HHH-16441Steve Ebersole
- Left outer joins do not work with polymorphic entities due to use of discriminator in the main query conditionHHH-16438Resolved issue: HHH-16438Jan Schatteman
- SQLGrammarException when selecting property of grouped join associationHHH-16409Resolved issue: HHH-16409Marco Belladelli
- Wrong SQL when HQL has subquery using FK attribute of parent query rootHHH-16397Resolved issue: HHH-16397Marco Belladelli
- @Where annotation generates bad query with entity name instead of alias in association subqueryHHH-16392Resolved issue: HHH-16392Marco Belladelli
- Self referential association with key-many-to-one fails to loadHHH-16382Resolved issue: HHH-16382Christian Beikov
- UnknownTableReferenceException when selecting entity using IdClassHHH-16366Resolved issue: HHH-16366Andrea Boriero
- OneToMany object properties not set when EmbeddedId and it holds an OneToOne relationship to itselfHHH-16363Resolved issue: HHH-16363Marco Belladelli
- SemanticException while checking JOIN FETCH owners for nested associationsHHH-16362Resolved issue: HHH-16362Marco Belladelli
- The ORDER BY clause in a Window Function doesn't work when using multiple columnsHHH-16347Resolved issue: HHH-16347Marco Belladelli
- Hibernate maps NCLOB to ntext on SybaseHHH-16321Resolved issue: HHH-16321Steve Ebersole
- Skip NativeQueryResultTypeAutoDiscoveryTest#dateTimeTypes for SybaseHHH-16314Resolved issue: HHH-16314Steve Ebersole
- unquotedCaseStrategy defaults to UPPER with SybaseHHH-16304Resolved issue: HHH-16304Christian Beikov
- BulkManipulationTest fails on Sybase with JZ0NK: Generated keys are not available because either the Statement.NO_GENERATED_KEYS was used or no keys were automatically generated.HHH-16271Resolved issue: HHH-16271Christian Beikov
- Support for null Query parameters on SybaseHHH-16270Resolved issue: HHH-16270Steve Ebersole
- JPA metamodel generator is not considering Java 14's recordsHHH-16261Resolved issue: HHH-16261Cedomir Igaly
- Sybase - store procedure unsupported named parameterHHH-15833Resolved issue: HHH-15833Christian Beikov
- ByteBuddy enhancement generates faulty code with many-to-many associationsHHH-15602Resolved issue: HHH-15602Christian Beikov
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