- Search result lost after Session.merge on a child entity when using Multi-TenancyHSEARCH-3647Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3647Yoann Rodière
- Reporting errors about duplicate fields fails with an AssertionFailure when field is declared by a class bridge or class-level @SpatialHSEARCH-3562Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3562Yoann Rodière
- "transpositions" setting is ignored for FuzzyQuery in the Elasticsearch integrationHSEARCH-3561Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3561Rick Gagne
- Elasticsearch AWS should support AWS Credential Providers for authenticationHSEARCH-3560Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3560Yoann Rodière
- No search results in multi tenancy mode for tenants with hyphensHSEARCH-3558Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3558Yoann Rodière
- Hibernate Search doesn't boot when declared as a dependency in a module-info.javaHSEARCH-3551Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3551Yoann Rodière
- .withPrefixLength is ignored for .keyword().fuzzy() queries in the Elasticsearch integrationHSEARCH-3545Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3545Fabio Massimo Ercoli
- Default value for "minimumShouldMatch" is different between Elasticsearch and LuceneHSEARCH-3534Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3534Fabio Massimo Ercoli
- Make the OSGi tests fully pass with JDK13HSEARCH-3492Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3492
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