- Not defined order of composed constraints processingHV-1047Resolved issue: HV-1047
- Improve OSGi integration addressing class loading issuesHV-1039Resolved issue: HV-1039
- Wrong messages in Korean for NotNull and NullHV-1035Resolved issue: HV-1035
- Infinite Loop when validating custom type constraint under certain inheritance schemeHV-1032Resolved issue: HV-1032Guillaume Smet
- Type parameter validations are not executed against all elements in a collection if elements contain the same object instance.HV-1031Resolved issue: HV-1031Gunnar Morling
- JavaFX Compile errors when building with OpenJDKHV-1030Resolved issue: HV-1030
- Parameter validation works randomly on Weblogic EJBHV-1028Resolved issue: HV-1028
- Exceptions during execution of LoadClass don't provide enough contextHV-1026Resolved issue: HV-1026Hardy Ferentschik
- Configuration streams not reusable on IBM JVMHV-1025Resolved issue: HV-1025
- Hibernate Validator can't introspect AnnotatedParameterizedTypes from method parameters using IBM JDKHV-1024Resolved issue: HV-1024Hardy Ferentschik
- Validator fails with Google App Engine due to use of restricted class java.util.ResourceBundle.ControlHV-1023Resolved issue: HV-1023
- Validator.validateValue does not work for JDK-8 TYPE_USE annotationsHV-1022Resolved issue: HV-1022
- Monitor contention at ValidatorFactoryImplHV-1021Resolved issue: HV-1021
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