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The TCK goes against the spec on Node and nested Path: section 4.2


In section 4.2 "Constraint Violation", Table 4.1, "propertyPath examples", the structure of a set of Path.Nodes is described. Examining the examples in this section:

Row 4 shows that a path describing the fourth author (i.e. "authors3") should be represented by a not-in-iterable "authors" node followed by a nameless node with index 3. However, in this example the TCK would expect a single "authors" node with index 3.

Likewise, row 6 shows that a path describing the first author's company property ("") should be represented by a not-in-iterable "authors" node followed by a "company" node with index 0. In this example the TCK would instead expect an "authors" node with index 3, followed by a not-in-iterable "company" node.







Hardy Ferentschik November 30, 2010 at 6:10 PM

Issue is fixed and available in latest SNAPSHOT ( Will be part of release 1.0.5.GA.

Hardy Ferentschik November 18, 2010 at 1:40 PM

Here is the pull request for GitHub -

Hardy Ferentschik November 18, 2010 at 12:48 PM

Here is a list of tests which are affected afaics:

Only PropertyPathTest has actually wrong assertions. The other errors stem from the
Path implementation which is part of the TestUtil class.

I have a patch for the TCK as well as the RI. we just need to sync the releases.

Hardy Ferentschik October 23, 2010 at 5:07 PM

Cheers. That will help to sort things out.

Matt Benson October 23, 2010 at 4:49 PM

When I modify path structure and expectations in Apache Bean Validation (branch) I get these TCK results, which include several recursion-type problems when actually performing validation operations.





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Bug reports should generally be accompanied by a test case!


Emmanuel Bernard
Hardy Ferentschik
Matt Benson

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Created October 22, 2010 at 3:00 PM
Updated January 7, 2013 at 7:14 PM
Resolved November 30, 2010 at 6:10 PM