SequenceHiLoGeneratorNoIncrementTest is not testing the right Optimiser
The `` test seems designed to test `LegacyHiLoAlgorithmOptimizer`, however an initialization failure is triggered making the test actually verify the samantics of the fallback optimizer.
The mistake is best observed by adding a breakpoint in `, java.lang.Class, int)` .
Unfortunately fixing the test will have it change the asserted values; since the goal of this test is to verify strict consistency with the legacy behaviour we need to be careful.
The `` test seems designed to test `LegacyHiLoAlgorithmOptimizer`, however an initialization failure is triggered making the test actually verify the samantics of the fallback optimizer.
The mistake is best observed by adding a breakpoint in `, java.lang.Class, int)` .
Unfortunately fixing the test will have it change the asserted values; since the goal of this test is to verify strict consistency with the legacy behaviour we need to be careful.