@Converter ignored for attributes used in tuples leading to NullPointerException in TupleMappingModelExpressible constructor
is followed up by
relates to
Marco Belladelli March 18, 2024 at 1:18 PM
Hi , I can’t give you a precise time-frame but version 6.4.5 already includes quite a few bug fixes so I think the release should be very soon (next few weeks). In the meantime you can test using the 6.4.5-SNAPSHOT version from this repository: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/.

Marco Pelagatti March 18, 2024 at 10:04 AM
Hi ,
I think we have come across the same issue (we are migrating from Hibernate 5 to 6). I see this is marked as resolved in 6.4.5. We are keen to get the fix, so my question is when is this version going to be released?

Stefan Schilling February 5, 2024 at 4:33 PM
Hello ,
please note: the test case implementation uses Hibernate 6.4.3, but for the real project, we’re using Spring Boot 3.1/3.2. Therefore, Hibernate 6.2.6 is also affected (that’s where we noticed the issue).
this issue seems to be something related to , but this time we’re using
.Running a the following query fails, if the attributes used in the tuple are not plain Java objects but custom types, which are converter used
:The attributes in HistoryEntity
uses for example the type
Running the query above, leads to the following Exception
Changing the Entity to use Java Plain Types
DealerId → String
ImportTimestamp → OffsetDateTime
makes the query returning proper results.
My assumption: the query should be running using those special types, since the
provides the correct Java Types and is used successfully in non-tuple queries.You’ll find a sample application in the attached zip, run it using HistoryEntityRepositoryTest.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any question or comment.