FunctionArgumentException after hibernate upgrade to v6.4.4

Jyri-Matti Lähteenmäki August 12, 2024 at 10:37 AM
Hi, I just tried this with Hibernate 6.6.0.Final (CR1 didn’t work due to HHH-18108). This seems to work and the proposal looks elegant to me, so thank you!

Gavin King June 13, 2024 at 8:02 PM
Boolean is now treated as comparable, and all this stuff can be controlled via the JdbcType.

Gavin King June 13, 2024 at 3:15 PM
OK, , since you asked so politely, here’s my proposal
This would let you override isComparable()
on a custom JdbcType

Jyri-Matti Lähteenmäki May 20, 2024 at 12:40 PM
we have some custom Hibernate types which are comparable, and corresponding Oracle types in the database which are also comparable. Seems that in Hibernate 6 we cannot use those types as comparable in queries anymore. This used to work in Hibernate < 6.
Would you be willing to add some kind of possibility to allow any Comparable type to be comparable also in queries? Maybe provide a way with a configuration flag to disable the assertion, or provide some way to register “database-comparable” types? Any other ideas?

Richard King April 27, 2024 at 10:27 AMEdited
From our perspective it would be ideal if it could work like it used to i.e. if checkArgumentType
() could consider Boolean (and boolean type) to be “COMPARABLE types”, then we would not need to alter our own code.
Please note that the issue applies when using “min” as well as when using “max”, the change to ArgumentTypesValidator would fix both of these I assume?
If you add the any() and every() to the HibernateCriteriaBuilder as well then we may use that.
Thankyou for your help with this.
We have a model with a boolean field like this
We have this code in our project
When the fieldName refers to the boolean field we now get this error :