Type inferred from arithmetics between BigDecimal and double is incorrect?



I have a custom function registered in my dialect (extending PostgreSQLDialect) as follows:

And I noticed that when I used round with it in HQL, e.g., round(cast_to_numeric("55.00")*1.015, 2) then in PostgreSQL, the resulting SQL was using the emulated round implementation from PostgreSQLTruncRoundFunction using floor. From reading the code and debugging I understand that it is because the arithmetic expression cast_to_numeric("55.00")*1.015 is not considered as a decimal but as a double.

But I would have expected that a multiplication between BigDecimal and any number would result in BigDecimal, and that is indeed the behaviour in PostgreSQL: pg_typeof(cast("50.22" as numeric) * 1.0003) is numeric, not double! And thus round can be used safely without resorting to the emulated floor-based implementation.

Am I missing something or is that a bug?



Gavin King April 29, 2024 at 4:58 PM

I think the only sensible way to deal with this would be to automatically add an explicit cast to double precision when a literal of type Double is multiplied/divided/added/subtracted to/from a BigDecimal.

Gavin King April 29, 2024 at 4:05 PM

Hah! Interesting. So casting numeric to varchar appends trailing zeros, not only on postgres, but also on mysql and h2. Maybe on other SQL dialects too??

It’s definitely not a bug per se, but for consistency, perhaps we should explicitly cast expressions of type Double to double precision before casting them to String.


Victor Noël April 29, 2024 at 3:37 PM

Instead of explaining your actual problem, you jumped straight to proposing an (incorrect) solution.

Yes, my bad, sorry about that.

I guess it’s that the generated SQL for the round() function is using floor(1e2*x+0.5)/1e2 instead of round(x,2) but why is that an actual problem?

Well, in my exact particular case, the problem is that I convert the result of that rounding to text and I end up with a lot of trailing zeros in the result:

I suspect this is not a bug in itself (but maybe it is?) and that’s why I didn’t report it initially ^^

My second more generic problem is that I think it’s strange and incorrect for Hibernate to generate some very complex arithmetic formula when it should be able to use the native round. I guess this is more an improvement request than a bug?

Gavin King April 29, 2024 at 3:13 PM

I guess it’s that the generated SQL for the round() function is using floor(1e2*x+0.5)/1e2 instead of round(x,2) but why is that an actual problem?

Gavin King April 29, 2024 at 3:10 PM

I mean I guess I don’t understand what it even is that you’re bothered by.

Instead of explaining your actual problem, you jumped straight to proposing an (incorrect) solution.






Created April 29, 2024 at 1:23 PM
Updated April 29, 2024 at 4:58 PM