Improve usability and consistency of spatial API


SpatialContext has two methods: onDefaultCoordinates() and onCoordinates(String), the first one makes it easy for simple cases, but DistanceSortField constructors must know the spatial field name (you can't create one for the default coordinates). I suggest to add DistanceSortField(Point) and DistanceSortField(double, double) which act on default coordinates.

Same for FullTextQuery.setSpatialParameters(Point, String) and FullTextQuery.setSpatialParameters(double, double, String). There should be FullTextQuery.setSpatialParameters(Point) and FullTextQuery.setSpatialParameters(double, double).

I would like to reuse distance computation in my own code: if my entity implements Coordinates and I have a Point origin, I would like to be able to call origin.getDistanceTo(myEntity) but Point.getDistanceTo() takes a Point, not a Coordinates. I suggest to change Point.getDistanceTo(Point other) to Point.getDistanceTo(Coordinates other).



Sanne Grinovero November 11, 2014 at 3:09 PM

Sounds good. Thanks for reviewing and distilling all this information!

Hardy Ferentschik November 10, 2014 at 8:31 PM

AFAICT everything in this issue has been already addressed. It was decided that Point is an implementation class and should not be used by user code. This was addressed by HSEARCH-1315.

This leaves a DistanceSortField and FullTextQuery#setSpatialParameters where the idea is to provide methods which don't need a explicit field name, but rather act upon the default spatial (field). The issue here, in particular with FullTextQuery, is the amount of overloaded methods.
According to @Kalgon:

If a constant for the default field name is available in a public (non-impl) location, then I wouldn't need the new methods which don't take the field name.

COORDINATES_DEFAULT_FIELD has actually already been moved into public API namely Spatial#COORDINATES_DEFAULT_FIELD. So this is covered as well. The only thing which worries me a bit with this, is that Spatial#COORDINATES_DEFAULT_FIELD is not terribly obvious. It is not even mentioned in the docs.

Bottom line, unless we want to add yet another method to FullTextQuery, I think we have covered everything. I'd suggest adding a note to the docs though regarding Spatial#COORDINATES_DEFAULT_FIELD though. Thoughts?

Hardy Ferentschik November 10, 2014 at 8:09 PM

Point was removed from the public API (FullTextQuery) in

Nicolas Helleringer May 14, 2013 at 3:24 PM

As stated in HSEARCH-1315, I ll move Point reference in setSpatialParameters to Coordinates

The case of the Point class is not an easy one.
It does exists to free Hibernate Search from integrating a full geo distance / projection computation lib.
But as it is not the purpose of Hibernate Search to support such a class for public use, it was decided to keep it private.

Moving COORDINATES_DEFAULT_FIELD to public API seems quite logical to me.

Sanne, what do you think ?

Xavier Dury February 14, 2013 at 10:22 AM


Indeed the usage of Point|Coordinates is not clear: as stated in the doc, my entities can implement Coordinates so it is part of the public API and is normally safe to use where I want/need.

Point is indeed in a impl package but then why is it used in FullTextQuery.setSpatialParameters(Point, String)? Shouldn't it be FullText.setSpatialParameters(Coordinates, String)? If the usage of Point is removed from the public API, then I won't use it anymore.

By the way, wouldn't it be better to have something like SpatialConstants.COORDINATES_DEFAULT_FIELD instead of AbstractDocumentBuilder.COORDINATES_DEFAULT_FIELD? If a constant for the default field name is available in a public (non-impl) location, then I wouldn't need the new methods which don't take the field name.







Fix versions


Created February 13, 2013 at 12:24 PM
Updated November 13, 2014 at 6:56 PM
Resolved November 11, 2014 at 4:23 PM