Add short and byte numeric bridges


when indexing a collection of short value using the @IndexedEmbedded + @NumericField + @Field annotation combination, it will return the expected NumericIterableBridge.

though when indexing a short value using the @NumericField + @Field annotation combination no bridge is associated with.

here's my understanding of the issue :

when guessing type in, it will return null, and then throw

throw new SearchException( "Unable to guess FieldBridge for " + member.getName() );

since there's no ShortNumericBridge type exists.

i guess the correct implementation of the non-existing ShortNumericBridge would be :

public class ShortNumericFieldBridge extends NumericFieldBridge { public Object get(String name, Document document) { return Short.valueOf(document.getFieldable(name).stringValue()); } }

then add we would need to do is add the new implementation into the static numericField map.

seem a nice addition to me, or is there something i missed somewhere ?




Gunnar Morling January 21, 2015 at 10:10 AM

Sanne Grinovero December 1, 2011 at 5:52 PM

Hi Mathieu,
thanks yes that would be nice to add.

One warning though: the combination of possible terms in a short is so limited that using a NumericField is likely overkill, a traditional conversion in String would perform better: in fact Lucene doesn't support conversion from short either, I'll need to convert it at least to an integer.






Fix versions


Created December 1, 2011 at 5:03 PM
Updated October 31, 2017 at 12:33 PM
Resolved January 22, 2015 at 6:37 PM