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Embeddable object with an ElementCollection that contains Embeddable objects
- 31 Mar 2018, 02:07 PM
- 31 Mar 2018, 01:59 PM
Michael Wirth March 31, 2018 at 2:08 PM
I have the same issue. I really wonder why this issue hasn't come up earlier with more attention as having an ElementCollection in an Embeddable doesn't sound to be an exotic use case. Attention: this is not related having a nestedn ElementCollection in another ElementCollection.
Digging into the code I found the causing issue in the TypeHelper.class in Line 240. The recursive call has no effect at all, as it just copies the values into a new Object array, but doesn't process the result. A quick test showed that the issue can be fixed by applying the result values to the containing object:
Object[] values = replaceAssociations(origComponentValues, targetComponentValues, subtypes, session, (Object) null, copyCache, foreignKeyDirection);
componentType.setPropertyValues(target[i], values, null);
Bug Testcase Reminder (view)
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Bug Testcase Reminder (edit)
Bug reports should generally be accompanied by a test case!
I have the following objects
@Entity(name = "someClass") public class SomeClass() { @Embedded private EmbeddedObject embeddedObject; }
@Embeddable public class EmbeddedObject () { @ElementCollection private List<ListElement> listElements; }
@Embeddable public class ListElement() { private String name; private String value; }
I was expecting the Mongo object would look like this:
{ "embeddedObject": { "listElements": [ { "name": "someName", "value": "someValue" } ] } }
Instead it looks like this (which is not desired):
{ "embeddedObject": { "listElements": [ { "listElements": { "name": "someName", "value": "someValue" } } ] } }
I can achieve the desired situation as follows:
@Entity(name = "someClass") public class SomeClass() { @ElementCollection private List<ListElement> listElements; }
However, this is not the way I want to store the objects.