- Ability to generate ProxyFactory, AccessOptimizer and InstantiationOptimizer at build timeHHH-19290
- Integrate into website publishingHHH-19289
- Allow HIbernate Reactive to extend JdbcEnvironmentInitiatorHHH-19288
- CURRENT DATE is not recognized as a keyword using DB2DialectHHH-19287Resolved issue: HHH-19287
- Test against the latest Elasticsearch 8.17.4HSEARCH-5348Resolved issue: HSEARCH-5348Marko Bekhta
- Upgrade Elasticsearch client to 8.17.4HSEARCH-5347Resolved issue: HSEARCH-5347Marko Bekhta
- Ignoring auto-applied conversions on special mappingsHHH-19286
- @ManyToAny with @FilterJoinTable KOHHH-19285
- Extract Duplicated Vector Function Registration LogicHHH-19284donghyun Lee
- jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull should be detected as expectedHV-2092
- Reuse ORM's ClassDetailsRegistry and ignore the BootstrapContext#getJandexViewHSEARCH-5346Resolved issue: HSEARCH-5346Marko Bekhta
- Upgrade to JUnit 5.12HSEARCH-5345Resolved issue: HSEARCH-5345Marko Bekhta
- Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 7.0.0.Beta5HSEARCH-5344Resolved issue: HSEARCH-5344Marko Bekhta
- Hibernate Gradle Plugin configuration cache supportHHH-19283
- Hibernate Envers & Oracle: Automatic column name conversion to uppercaseHHH-19282
- Identify and handle tests which don't need to be run on all databasesHHH-19281
- Update Hibernate ORM dependency to version 6.2.37.FinalHBX-2976
- Update Hibernate ORM dependency to 6.6.12.FinalHBX-2975
- ResourceRegistryStandardImpl#close(java.sql.Statement) is called on already closed statementsHHH-19280
- @Basic not implicit optionalHHH-19279Resolved issue: HHH-19279Gavin King
- fixes to logic in MultiIdEntityLoadersHHH-19278Resolved issue: HHH-19278Gavin King
- Native query EntityManager.createNativeQuery(…, EntityType.class) returns different result when run via EntityManager.createNativeQuery(…)HHH-19277Resolved issue: HHH-19277
- Native query with enum list param leads to OutOfMemoryHHH-19276
- Missing 6.6.11 release for hibernate-orm-toolsHHH-19275
- Deprecate MetadataBuilder#applyIndexView and friendsHHH-19274Resolved issue: HHH-19274Steve Ebersole
- Update Hibernate ORM dependency to version 7.0.0.Beta4HBX-2974Resolved issue: HBX-2974Koen Aers
- FetchNotFoundException after Upgrade to 6.6.XHHH-19273
- Secondary table with nested embedded objectHHH-19272
- support HINT_FETCH_PROFILE in SelectionQueryHHH-19271Resolved issue: HHH-19271Gavin King
- Remove LGPL-only contributions to EnversHHH-19270Resolved issue: HHH-19270Yoann Rodière
- Update Hibernate ORM dependency to version 7.0.0.Beta4HBX-2973Resolved issue: HBX-2973Koen Aers
- Remove support for @Audited(modifiedColumnName = ...)HHH-19269Resolved issue: HHH-19269Yoann Rodière
- StatementInspector not working with "ddl-auto=create" or SchemaManagerHHH-19268
- Allow Hibernate Reactive to override methods in JdbcEnvironemntInitiatorHHH-19267Resolved issue: HHH-19267Davide D'Alto
- inconsistencies in ScrollableResultsHHH-19266Resolved issue: HHH-19266Gavin King
- Upgrade to AWS SDK 2.31.2HSEARCH-5343Resolved issue: HSEARCH-5343Marko Bekhta
- Upgrade paranamer to 2.8.3HV-2091Resolved issue: HV-2091Marko Bekhta
- deprecate hibernate.jdbc.use_scrollable_resultsetHHH-19265Resolved issue: HHH-19265Gavin King
- Add a TimestampWithTimeZoneJdbcType variant that uses ZonedDateTime instead of OffsetDateTime to bind/extract column valuesHHH-19264Resolved issue: HHH-19264
- Do not bind to JNDI if hibernate.session_factory_name_is_jndi is set to falseHHH-19263Resolved issue: HHH-19263Scott Marlow
- OracleDialect getQueryHintString incorrectly joins supplied hintsHHH-19261
- Move feature supports methods from the SqlAstTranslator base impl to DialectHHH-19260Resolved issue: HHH-19260Jan Schatteman
- Static metamodel for id/timestamp not set (and triggers warnings) for DefaultRevisionEntity and similarHHH-19259Resolved issue: HHH-19259Marco Belladelli
- Remove @Entity annotation from default revision entities contributed internally by EnversHHH-19258Resolved issue: HHH-19258Marco Belladelli
- Provide a way to specify the secondary table to which an embedded mapsHHH-19257
- Update Hibernate ORM dependency to version 6.2.36.FinalHBX-2972Resolved issue: HBX-2972Koen Aers
- 6.2.36.FinalHBX-2971
- Update Hibernate ORM dependency to 6.6.11.FinalHBX-2970Resolved issue: HBX-2970Koen Aers
- Use a org.hibernate.models.spi.ClassLoading based on issue: HSEARCH-5342Marko Bekhta
- Criteria SUM expression return type errorHHH-19256Resolved issue: HHH-19256
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