- Proxy Narrowing (HHH-9071) breaks polymorphic queryHHH-11280Resolved issue: HHH-11280Steve Ebersole
- QueryPlanCache is not using SoftReference which could cause memory starvation & OOMHHH-9520
- Allow casting of composite types in HQLHHH-9459
- Session.merge() and Session.update() behave differently for cascade="all-delete-orphan" relationshipsHHH-9321Resolved issue: HHH-9321
- Criteria select with multi level inheritance using discriminator column referencing wrong tableHHH-9311Resolved issue: HHH-9311
- Hibernate Criteria - Distinct on count is not working as expectedHHH-9260Resolved issue: HHH-9260
- IndexedCollection sometimes adds wrong order numberHHH-9219Resolved issue: HHH-9219
- StatelessSession does not work correctly when default_batch_fetch_size >1HHH-9212Resolved issue: HHH-9212
- Composite ID containing foreign Composite ID loading incorrectly.HHH-9208Resolved issue: HHH-9208
- Collection of CompositeUserType with nullable properties: wrong schema generationHHH-9207Resolved issue: HHH-9207Former user
- NPE in OneToOneLinkTest on oracle12cHHH-9202Resolved issue: HHH-9202Brett Meyer
- ValidityAuditStrategy: Collection of embeddables is not audited correctlyHHH-9199Resolved issue: HHH-9199Chris Cranford
- Workaround for SAP MaxDB driver not supporting PreparedStatement#prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)HHH-9198
- Inheritance.JOINED + @DiscriminatorColumn : ERROR on queringHHH-9191Resolved issue: HHH-9191Andrea Boriero
- @OneToOne selfjoin of abstract class with @JoinTable wrong mappingHHH-9188
- ORM wrongly assumes that an element of a set has a primary keyHHH-9186Resolved issue: HHH-9186
- The session factory is serialized when using composite-idHHH-9184Resolved issue: HHH-9184
- QuerySyntaxException with countDistinctHHH-9182Resolved issue: HHH-9182Christian Beikov
- HQL's collection[index] broken for all indexed collectionsHHH-9180Resolved issue: HHH-9180
- Missing classloader reference for classpool in javassist runtime weavingHHH-9179Resolved issue: HHH-9179
- Orphan removal broken for new element added by merge that is removed by later mergeHHH-9171Resolved issue: HHH-9171Former user
- SQLServer2012Dialect creates sequences starting from Long.MIN_VALUEHHH-9169Resolved issue: HHH-9169Former user
- createNativeQuery's setParameter does not support nullHHH-9165Resolved issue: HHH-9165
- createNativeQuery.setParameter() does not support BigDecimalHHH-9164Resolved issue: HHH-9164
- keywords as parameter namesHHH-9154Resolved issue: HHH-9154Steve Ebersole
- AbstractCollectionPersister doesn't assign an alias to table name if the name is actually a subqueryHHH-9139Resolved issue: HHH-9139Former user
- CastFunctionTest failing on most databasesHHH-9138Resolved issue: HHH-9138Steve Ebersole
- L2 cache stores stale data when an entity is locked with OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT lock typeHHH-9127Christian Beikov
- NPE in DatabaseMetadataHHH-9123Resolved issue: HHH-9123
- When a persistence unit is undeploy, the osgiClassLoader keep the class of this persistence unitHHH-9117Resolved issue: HHH-9117Brett Meyer
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