- 2nd level collection cache has not been invalidated after hql delete queriesHHH-15247
- Metamodel imports cache increases indefinitely for dynamically generated HQL aliases eventually leading to an OOMHHH-14948Resolved issue: HHH-14948Ivaylo Mitrev
- NullPointerException when implicit joining over @JoinFormula/@JoinColumnOrFormulaHHH-14223Resolved issue: HHH-14223Jan-Willem Gmelig Meyling
- Envers fires additional queries for loading referenced entitiesHHH-14176Resolved issue: HHH-14176Christian Beikov
- Add option to allow for db connection retryHHH-14157
- Querying with "IS NOT EMPTY" jpql against a @OneToMany mappedBy collection is failing in mysql for Hibernate v. 5.4.11 and upHHH-14134Resolved issue: HHH-14134
- Versions 5.4.11.Final+ produce too many sql queriesHHH-14097Resolved issue: HHH-14097Nathan Xu
- Saving envers audit entry causing Lazy Initialization exception for uninitialized Lazy ManyToOne relationshipHHH-14005Chris Cranford
- Envers cannot process deletion of child entity for ManyToOne relationHHH-13945Resolved issue: HHH-13945Luke Chen
- Exception thrown by JOIN query when package names starts with "in"HHH-13943Resolved issue: HHH-13943Arul Siva Murugan V
- LazyInitializationException in ToOneIdMapper when attempting to initialize Hibernate proxy.HHH-13933Chris Cranford
- When an audited column uses a columnDefinition, schema validation may fail.HHH-13922Resolved issue: HHH-13922Chris Cranford
- Regression - Hibernate Envers uses Type VARCHAR when type is set to MEDIUMTEXT in audited fieldHHH-13921Resolved issue: HHH-13921Chris Cranford
- AttributeConverter with autoApply is not chosen for generic typed fieldsHHH-13913Nathan Xu
- columnDefinition broken for audit mappingsHHH-13886Resolved issue: HHH-13886Chris Cranford
- make User Guide TOC tree loading fastHHH-13881Nathan Xu
- Fix an obvious bug in StandardStack implementationHHH-13876Resolved issue: HHH-13876Nathan Xu
- @Immutable entities generate warning even if they are not referenced in queryHHH-13860
- NPE on scanning for entities in a project having module-info.class resourcesHHH-13859Resolved issue: HHH-13859Sanne Grinovero
- Fix Oracle failing testsHHH-13858Resolved issue: HHH-13858Andrea Boriero
- Avoid initialization when obtaining persistent class with Hibernate.getClass()HHH-13857Resolved issue: HHH-13857Christian Beikov
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