- @MapsId fields without @JoinColumn gets prefixed automaticallyHHH-17920
- org.hibernate.query.UnknownParameterException: Could not locate ordinal parameter [2], expecting one of [1]HHH-17509
- mistake issueHHH-17471Resolved issue: HHH-17471
- AssertionError in DiscriminatorPathInterpretation when treating a path with the same subtypeHHH-17299Resolved issue: HHH-17299Marco Belladelli
- Spring Data JPA exists queries fail on certain join conditionsHHH-17169Resolved issue: HHH-17169
- Hibernate 6.2.6: NormalizingIdentifierHelper creates incorrect metadata text with MySQLDialectHHH-17146
- Wrong SELECT Statement Generation with distinct, setMaxResults, setFirstResult and a Blob in Hibernate 6 (Oracle DB)HHH-17144Resolved issue: HHH-17144
- Attribute::getJavaType gets incorrect class when field is annotated with @Type(io.hypersistence.utils.hibernate.type.array.ListArrayType.class)HHH-17134Resolved issue: HHH-17134Rastislav Budinsky
- Failed selection by composite key attribute of child entityHHH-17129Resolved issue: HHH-17129
- Comparison on Oracle Timestamp columns is broken if system timezone is not UTCHHH-17127Resolved issue: HHH-17127
- SUBSTR call fails with IBM DB2 z/OS and Decimal point representation commaHHH-17118Resolved issue: HHH-17118
- Error In Native Query when adding two Entity's and using composite key. Error: Unable to find column position by name.HHH-17108Resolved issue: HHH-17108Andrea Boriero
- Basic Collection of 'Converted' Embeddables stopped working with 6.2HHH-17071Resolved issue: HHH-17071Marco Belladelli
- When hibernate.ddl-auto is update, it keeps on altering MEDIUMTEXT and Date and DateTime defintionsHHH-17062
- spring boot 3.1.2 use hibernate 6.2.6 final use CompositeUserType to mapping JodaMoney, cannot work , in hibernate 5 use userType can work, joda-money version is 1.0.1HHH-17053Resolved issue: HHH-17053Steve Ebersole
- When doing an entityManager find with an entity graph the pulled data does not have the entity loaded unless the existing entity is detachedHHH-17052
- When applying default_batch_fetch_size, NULL is included in the IN clause during fetch.HHH-17048Resolved issue: HHH-17048
- Issue HHH-16701 is still reproducibleHHH-17036Resolved issue: HHH-17036
- Wrong translation of a DELETE JPQL Statement for H2 DatabaseHHH-17029
- Hibernate 6.2 migration guide does explain how to deal with removal of AbstractPostInsertGenerator (affects IdentityGenerator)HHH-17009Resolved issue: HHH-17009Gavin King
- Error when saving entity with joined inheritanceHHH-17007
- EnhancedUserType cannot be used when defining relationsHHH-16991
- AssertionError in AbstractSqmPath.copyTo when using subquery correlated to root with more than 1 level in the class hierarchyHHH-16988Resolved issue: HHH-16988Marco Belladelli
- CoercionException caused by attempted coercion of query param to entity field typeHHH-16986
- SQLGrammarException for JOINED entity with additional join in queryHHH-16979Resolved issue: HHH-16979Rastislav Budinsky
- Orphan removal not working in @Embeddable for FetchType.EAGER collectionsHHH-16970Resolved issue: HHH-16970Marco Belladelli
- An entity with a parent <-> child relationship on itself with a natural id does not load using it natural idHHH-16969Resolved issue: HHH-16969
- StackOverflowError when using NaturalIdLoadAccess and bi-directional associationHHH-16968Resolved issue: HHH-16968Andrea Boriero
- OneToOne lazy loading fails when fetch graph is involvedHHH-16960Resolved issue: HHH-16960Andrea Boriero
- Embeddable cannot have only one @generated fieldHHH-16957Andrea Boriero
- Bytecode enhancement now requires embedded component to be @EmbeddableHHH-16952Resolved issue: HHH-16952Christian Beikov
- HQL no longer deals with empty collections as bind values for nullness predicates in junction with other predicatesHHH-16951Resolved issue: HHH-16951
- Bump local-build-plugins Jandex versionHHH-16950Resolved issue: HHH-16950Jan Schatteman
- CTE query cycle attribute evaluated incorrectly on MSSQL using collation "Latin1_General_CI_AS"HHH-16945Resolved issue: HHH-16945Christian Beikov
- Column ordering leads to wrong column order in unique constraintsHHH-16943Resolved issue: HHH-16943Andrea Boriero
- Optimistic and Pessimistic Force Increment Update Statements are not committed when using a batchHHH-16939Resolved issue: HHH-16939Andrea Boriero
- Meta annotation @AnyDiscriminatorValue does not workHHH-16938Resolved issue: HHH-16938Marco Belladelli
- Persisting entity with nullable @Any field throws “not-null property references a null or transient value”HHH-16937Resolved issue: HHH-16937Marco Belladelli
- Hibernate cdi extension Regression introduced by HHH-16096HHH-16935Resolved issue: HHH-16935Yanming Zhou (quaff@github)
- JSON issue on Oracle 23cHHH-16933Resolved issue: HHH-16933Christian Beikov
- Return type of createQuery() not validated any moreHHH-16930
- Some NUMBER column types now get mapped to Boolean/Integer/Long instead of BigDecimalHHH-16927Resolved issue: HHH-16927Gavin King
- AssertionError when sorting by fields of joined entityHHH-16926Resolved issue: HHH-16926Marco Belladelli
- Deleting all entities of a given type fails when using a composite primary key and order_updatesHHH-16923Resolved issue: HHH-16923Andrea Boriero
- Saving entity with a onetomany collection fail the validationHHH-16921
- Bidirectional mapping with @Any causes infinite loop on fetchHHH-16919Resolved issue: HHH-16919Marco Belladelli
- OneToOne relationships don't work in Hibernate 6.x anymoreHHH-16916Resolved issue: HHH-16916Jan Schatteman
- Add `hibernate-community-dialects` to the Hibernate's gradle platformHHH-16915Resolved issue: HHH-16915Marko Bekhta
- Hibernate 6.2 breaks backward compatibilityHHH-16912Resolved issue: HHH-16912Gavin King
- Fail to compute column mapping on entity with idClass having one field as pk of a OneToOne associationHHH-16908Resolved issue: HHH-16908Marco Belladelli
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