- Lazy-initializing a static Method and making accessible not thread-safeHHH-11289Resolved issue: HHH-11289Former user
- Fix hidden failure in InfinispanRegionFactoryTestCase#testTimestampValidationHHH-11271Resolved issue: HHH-11271Sanne Grinovero
- Missing column when executing HQL and criteria query with secondary tableHHH-11241Resolved issue: HHH-11241Former user
- IllegalAccessException on Embeddable ID after serializing Getter in cache keyHHH-11202Resolved issue: HHH-11202Former user
- Hibernate Spatial cannot parse WKT from PostGISHHH-11197Resolved issue: HHH-11197Karel Maesen
- HQL subquery with constraint property in superclass does not join superclass tableHHH-11182Resolved issue: HHH-11182Andrea Boriero
- JPA CriteriaUpdate - NullLiteral causes IllegalArgumentException: Could not convert java type to Hibernate typeHHH-11159Resolved issue: HHH-11159Andrea Boriero
- Update plugin parameters for maven enhancer pluginHHH-11149Resolved issue: HHH-11149Former user
- Document supported use/implications of @Cache / @CacheableHHH-11142Resolved issue: HHH-11142Vlad Mihalcea
- Improve the JPA bootstrapping section in the User GuideHHH-11116Resolved issue: HHH-11116Vlad Mihalcea
- MySQL56SpatialDialect does not register geometry types causing Geometry types are not correctly deserializedHHH-11087Resolved issue: HHH-11087
- WrongClassException using Infinispan and sharing cache regionsHHH-11083Resolved issue: HHH-11083Radim Vansa
- Hibernate Spatial Geometry Not SerializableHHH-11012Resolved issue: HHH-11012Karel Maesen
- NullPointerException when using join with subselect in hbm mappingHHH-10998Resolved issue: HHH-10998Andrea Boriero
- Natural Id 2nd level Cache not working when Identity is database generatedHHH-10659Resolved issue: HHH-10659Vlad Mihalcea
- document package registration for Hibernate 5HHH-10243Resolved issue: HHH-10243Vlad Mihalcea
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