- Infinispan module can't parse Infinispan configuration files in a modular environmentHSEARCH-1289Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1289Sanne Grinovero
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- LazyInitializationException while indexingHSEARCH-1260Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1260Sanne Grinovero
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Infinispan module can't parse Infinispan configuration files in a modular environment
Sanne Grinovero
Sanne GrinoveroReporter
Sanne Grinovero
Sanne GrinoveroComponents
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Created March 28, 2013 at 6:00 PM
Updated May 8, 2013 at 9:04 AM
Resolved April 2, 2013 at 5:20 PM
The Infinispan configuration parser is using autodiscovery of parser components, but uses the wrong classloader to discover its elements and also fails to load the metadata needed to assemble the Infinispan interceptor chain.
Using an Infinispan directory with an application deployed on the application server, and trying to reuse the existing Infinispan module is failing.