- Search 6 groundwork - Restore the analyzer infrastructureHSEARCH-3115Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3115Yoann Rodière
- Search 6 groundwork - Completely forbid sortable analyzed fieldsHSEARCH-3045Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3045Yoann Rodière
- Remove previous analyzer definition support from ElasticsearchAnalyzerStrategyHSEARCH-2730Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2730Yoann Rodière
- Make the analyzer definition provider interfaces API instead of SPIHSEARCH-2718Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2718Yoann Rodière
- Allow using query-only analyzer definitions with ElasticsearchHSEARCH-2534Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2534Fabio Massimo Ercoli
- Support analyzer definitions with the Elasticsearch MERGE strategyHSEARCH-2520Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2520Yoann Rodière
- Support anlyzer definitions with the Elasticsearch VALIDATE strategyHSEARCH-2519Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2519Yoann Rodière
- Implement support for lucene search_analyzerHSEARCH-2515Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2515Yoann Rodière
- API/SPI overhaul in HS 6.0HSEARCH-2461Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2461Yoann Rodière
- simplify the configuration for dynamic analyser selection; allow to use existing analysers (e.g. EnglishAnalyzer)HSEARCH-2341Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2341Yoann Rodière
- AnalyzerDiscriminator doesn't allow for local overridesHSEARCH-1647Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1647Yoann Rodière
- Remove dependency to Apache SolrHSEARCH-1501Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1501Sanne Grinovero
- Lucene-Analyzers package is gone: explore needed actionsHSEARCH-1497Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1497Sanne Grinovero
- AnalyzerDiscriminator is called for parent entity fieldsHSEARCH-1403Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1403Yoann Rodière
- Reduce dependency to Solr analysis machinery from solr-analysis-extras to solr-coreHSEARCH-1243Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1243Sanne Grinovero
- Add short and byte numeric bridgesHSEARCH-997Resolved issue: HSEARCH-997Gunnar Morling
- input stream supportHSEARCH-867
- Use JBoss Logging to create i18n exceptionsHSEARCH-863Resolved issue: HSEARCH-863Fabio Massimo Ercoli
- Ensure all Analyzers are closed at shutdownHSEARCH-784Resolved issue: HSEARCH-784Sanne Grinovero
- Reuse Analyzer instances on a per-entity type baseHSEARCH-766Resolved issue: HSEARCH-766
- Add AnalyzerUtils to src/main/java and distribute it in the main jarHSEARCH-749Resolved issue: HSEARCH-749Sanne Grinovero
- Split API, SPI and private classes into separate packagesHSEARCH-746Resolved issue: HSEARCH-746
- Improve error messages on incorrectly defined Solr AnalyzersHSEARCH-674Resolved issue: HSEARCH-674
- Add unit tests for different analyzers on @FieldsHSEARCH-656Resolved issue: HSEARCH-656
- Able to annotate @AnalyzerDiscriminator to more than one field.HSEARCH-609Resolved issue: HSEARCH-609Yoann Rodière
- Add isCompressed() to LuceneOptionsHSEARCH-596Resolved issue: HSEARCH-596
- Upgrade/Update Solr analyzer frameworkHSEARCH-593Resolved issue: HSEARCH-593
- fails under PostgreSQL 8.4HSEARCH-589Resolved issue: HSEARCH-589
- Entity analyzers (aka scoped analyzers) improperly return random analyzers on field not marked as TOKENIZEDHSEARCH-530Resolved issue: HSEARCH-530
- Support for the new Solr's character filters (Gustavo Fernandes)HSEARCH-477Resolved issue: HSEARCH-477Sanne Grinovero
- Improve support for all language specific snowball Analyzers in Lucene/contribHSEARCH-461Resolved issue: HSEARCH-461Yoann Rodière
- Remove all deprecations from Lucene's 2.9 API usageHSEARCH-458Resolved issue: HSEARCH-458Sanne Grinovero
- Analyzers in Lucene 3.0 don't have a default constructorHSEARCH-457Resolved issue: HSEARCH-457
- Upgrade Solr dependencies (Gustavo Fernandes)HSEARCH-454Resolved issue: HSEARCH-454Sanne Grinovero
- Update to Lucene 3.0HSEARCH-424Resolved issue: HSEARCH-424
- Allow customization of the charset used by analyzer componentsHSEARCH-390Resolved issue: HSEARCH-390
- typo in Discriminator.getAnanyzerDefinitionName()HSEARCH-366Resolved issue: HSEARCH-366Sanne Grinovero
- Allow PatternTokenizerFactory to be usedHSEARCH-297Resolved issue: HSEARCH-297Hardy Ferentschik
- Inheritance of annotations and analyzerHSEARCH-267Resolved issue: HSEARCH-267Hardy Ferentschik
- Wrong analyzers used in IndexWriterHSEARCH-263Resolved issue: HSEARCH-263Sanne Grinovero
- Create a extensive Analyzer testing suiteHSEARCH-255Resolved issue: HSEARCH-255Hardy Ferentschik
- Migrate to Solr 1.3HSEARCH-254Resolved issue: HSEARCH-254Hardy Ferentschik
- Document Solr integrationHSEARCH-252Resolved issue: HSEARCH-252Hardy Ferentschik
- Hibernate Search cannot run without apache-solr-analyzer.jarHSEARCH-247Resolved issue: HSEARCH-247
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