- Upgrade to Infinispan 7.2.0.FinalHSEARCH-1863Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1863Sanne Grinovero
- JBoss Module integrating with Infinispan 7.1 can not load the Infinispan DirectoryProviderHSEARCH-1860Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1860Sanne Grinovero
- Replace the Infinispan Directory provider with the one distributed by the Infinispan projectHSEARCH-1848Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1848Sanne Grinovero
- Osgi resolution error on hibernate-search-infinispan bundleHSEARCH-1775Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1775Gunnar Morling
- Update Infinispan to 7.0.2.Final and JGroups to 3.6.1.FinalHSEARCH-1746Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1746Sanne Grinovero
- Locking strategy "native" ignoring "index base" on Infinispan DirectoryHSEARCH-1737Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1737Gustavo Fernandes
- The locking_strategy property is ignored when using the Infinispan DirectoryHSEARCH-1734Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1734Sanne Grinovero
- Document the Infinispan configuration property `metadata_writes_async`HSEARCH-1729Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1729
- Create a configuration attribute to allow usage of the Infinispan Directory option writeFileListAsynchronouslyHSEARCH-1728Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1728Sanne Grinovero
- Update Infinispan to 7.0.0.FinalHSEARCH-1717Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1717Gustavo Fernandes
- Simplify JGroups channels setup by using the FORK protocolHSEARCH-1714Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1714
- Update Infinispan to 7.0.0.CR2 and JGroups to 3.6.0.FinalHSEARCH-1700Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1700Sanne Grinovero
- Batching IndexWriter commits for multiple synchronous worksetsHSEARCH-1699Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1699Gustavo Fernandes
- Async backends using Infinispan should enable Directory option writeFileListAsynchronouslyHSEARCH-1698Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1698Gunnar Morling
- Enable async deleteFile operations on Infinispan DirectoryHSEARCH-1697Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1697Sanne Grinovero
- Modules: Move Infinispan related dependencies into their dedicated JBoss ModuleHSEARCH-1692Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1692Sanne Grinovero
- Include an IndexDeletionPolicy which deletes older commits asynchronouslyHSEARCH-1689Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1689Gustavo Fernandes
- Upgrade to Infinispan 7.0.0.CR1HSEARCH-1688Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1688Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 7.0.0.Beta2HSEARCH-1677Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1677Sanne Grinovero
- Improve compatibiltity of Hibernate Search 4.4 with Infinispan 6.x (while keeping 5 as target)HSEARCH-1672Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1672Sanne Grinovero
- Packages not exported from osgi bundlesHSEARCH-1663Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1663Gunnar Morling
- Upgrade to Infinispan 7.0.0.Beta1HSEARCH-1648Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1648Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha5HSEARCH-1634Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1634Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha4HSEARCH-1599Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1599Sanne Grinovero
- InfinispanConfigurationParser bypasses ClassLoaderServiceHSEARCH-1577Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1577Sanne Grinovero
- Allow to override the JGroups configuration defined by the Infinispan configuration filesHSEARCH-1575Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1575Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha2HSEARCH-1571Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1571Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 7.0.0.Alpha1 and JGroups 3.5.0.Alpha1HSEARCH-1530Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1530Sanne Grinovero
- Wrong classloader used to load configuration files for a managed Infinispan cacheHSEARCH-1490Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1490Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 6.0.1.Final and JGroups 3.4.2.FinalHSEARCH-1482Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1482Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 6.0.0.Final and JGroups 3.4.1.FinalHSEARCH-1454Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1454Sanne Grinovero
- Update to Infinispan 6.0.0.CR2HSEARCH-1435Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1435Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to JGroups 3.3.4.Final and refresh default configuration filesHSEARCH-1388Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1388Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 5.3.0.Final and JGroups 3.3.2HSEARCH-1362Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1362Sanne Grinovero
- Reference Infinispan configuration no longer requires batchingHSEARCH-1300Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1300Sanne Grinovero
- Infinispan module can't parse Infinispan configuration files in a modular environmentHSEARCH-1289Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1289Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 5.2.5.FinalHSEARCH-1288Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1288Sanne Grinovero
- Update integration tests to JBoss AS 7.2 alpha1HSEARCH-1286Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1286Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 5.2.CR2HSEARCH-1262Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1262Sanne Grinovero
- Cluster autodiscovery via a Hibernate based JGroups PING protocolHSEARCH-1232Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1232
- Update to Infinispan 5.1.8.Final and JGroups 3.0.14.FinalHSEARCH-1215Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1215Sanne Grinovero
- Update to Lucene 4.xHSEARCH-1191Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1191Sanne Grinovero
- Upgrade to Infinispan 5.1.6.FINAL and JGroups 3.0.13.FinalHSEARCH-1181Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1181Sanne Grinovero
- JGroups channels need to be shared across multiple backendsHSEARCH-1070Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1070Sanne Grinovero
- Duplicate InfinispanDirectoryProviders created when multiple sub-classes share the same index directory (Zach Kurey)HSEARCH-926Resolved issue: HSEARCH-926
- MassIndexer causes a LockObtainFailedException to be thrown when using Infinispan as a directory providerHSEARCH-893Resolved issue: HSEARCH-893
- Infinispan backendHSEARCH-882
- Allow a ServiceProvider implementation other than CacheManagerServiceProvider to be provided to InfinispanDirectoryProviderHSEARCH-873Resolved issue: HSEARCH-873Yoann Rodière
- Use JBoss Logging to create i18n exceptionsHSEARCH-863Resolved issue: HSEARCH-863Fabio Massimo Ercoli
- Upgrade to Infinispan 5.0.0.FINAL and JGroups issue: HSEARCH-839
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