- Boost on IndexedEmbedded propertiesHSEARCH-1804Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1804Gunnar Morling
- Index not updated on Embedded ElementCollection (with FieldBridge)HSEARCH-1358Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1358Hardy Ferentschik
- Document parse failures need graceful recoveryHSEARCH-1354Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1354Hardy Ferentschik
- Add section on how to read facet data from the API after a queryHSEARCH-1342Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1342Hardy Ferentschik
- Clarify relationship between @NumericField and NumericFieldBridge in the documentationHSEARCH-1341Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1341Hardy Ferentschik
- Add proper documentation for facet sort orderingHSEARCH-1340Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1340Hardy Ferentschik
- Fix typo in FacetSortOrder.RANGE_DEFINITION_ODER (deprecation)HSEARCH-1339Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1339Emmanuel Bernard
- excludeLimit with repeated from().to() fail on facet DSLHSEARCH-1338Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1338Emmanuel Bernard
- Reword reference for Quad Tree for Spatial Hash in spatial moduleHSEARCH-1327Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1327Nicolas Helleringer
- SharedIndexWorkspaceImpl holding index lock indefinitelyHSEARCH-1320Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1320Sanne Grinovero
- AS7 kit does not include JMS dependencyHSEARCH-1319Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1319Davide D'Alto
- Non-deterministic indexing cycle on domain classes mixing indexed and non-indexed typesHSEARCH-1318Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1318
- Spatial API polishingHSEARCH-1315Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1315Nicolas Helleringer
- Allow @Latitude and @Longitude annotations on methods (getters) tooHSEARCH-1314Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1314Nicolas Helleringer
- @IndexedEmbedded on abstract superclass bombs with includePathsHSEARCH-1313Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1313
- Allow overridesForField to be broken down in MUST term queriesHSEARCH-1303Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1303Yoann Rodière
- Stopword analysis may result in empty exception being thrown in keyword queryHSEARCH-1302Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1302Fabio Massimo Ercoli
- The Solr module from the AS7 kit contains a set of incorrect dependenciesHSEARCH-1297Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1297Horia Chiorean
- Provide an option on the JGroups backend for synchronous updatesHSEARCH-1296Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1296Sanne Grinovero
- Script SourceForge and Docs upload during release processHSEARCH-1291Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1291Yoann Rodière
- Search with bool, must, onFields and matching returned duplicate recordsHSEARCH-1290Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1290Hardy Ferentschik
- Infinispan module can't parse Infinispan configuration files in a modular environmentHSEARCH-1289Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1289Sanne Grinovero
- Invalid code in search example - Getting Start section of documentationHSEARCH-1281Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1281Sanne Grinovero
- Allow for live swapping of active indexesHSEARCH-1279Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1279Yoann Rodière
- Improve usability and consistency of spatial APIHSEARCH-1273Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1273Hardy Ferentschik
- Clear the pending indexing tasks at Session.clear()HSEARCH-1270Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1270Fabio Massimo Ercoli
- Facet collection not threadsafeHSEARCH-1269Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1269Hardy Ferentschik
- Spatial search with sort by distance and paging orders entities incorrectly and repeats themHSEARCH-1267Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1267Nicolas Helleringer
- Incorrect example for Coordinates in Spatial documentHSEARCH-1266Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1266
- ClassNotFoundException: issue: HSEARCH-1265Sanne Grinovero
- Array Index Out Of Bound in JGroups Backend AutoNodeSelectHSEARCH-1261Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1261Pedro Ruivo
- LazyInitializationException while indexingHSEARCH-1260Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1260Sanne Grinovero
- Documentation does not build in JDK 7HSEARCH-1183Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1183Emmanuel Bernard
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I tried to add boosts on an @IndexedEmbedded Property:
Boost annotation at IndexedEmbedded property level
The Boost annotation gets read in AbstractDocumentBuilder.checkForIndexEmbedded and is stored in the PropertiesMetadata.embeddedPropertiesMetadata, but the extracted value isn't used for the calculation in DocumentBuilderIndexedEntity.buildDocumentFields. A TODO is stated in the method part, where the embedded objects are recursively processed:
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