- Search 6 groundwork - Move to a stable implementation of Lucene spatial supportHSEARCH-3275Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3275Yoann Rodière
- Search 6 groundwork - Restore support for "distance" projectionsHSEARCH-3190Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3190Guillaume Smet
- Search 6 groundwork - match() queries on GeoPoint fieldsHSEARCH-3094Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3094Guillaume Smet
- Search 6 groundwork - Add spatial querying supportHSEARCH-3087Resolved issue: HSEARCH-3087Guillaume Smet
- Current implementation of SpatialBridge prevents multi-valued locationsHSEARCH-2859Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2859Fabio Massimo Ercoli
- Comply with Hibernate ORM's access mode in @Spatial bridgesHSEARCH-2847Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2847Yoann Rodière
- Handle private/protected field access for @Spatial fieldsHSEARCH-2759Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2759Yoann Rodière
- Provide support for more distance unitsHSEARCH-2329Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2329Guillaume Smet
- DistanceSortField should support reverse sortingHSEARCH-2286Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2286Guillaume Smet
- Detect invalid cardinality of fields mapped as DocValuesHSEARCH-2230Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2230Yoann Rodière
- Options not exposed in SpatialFieldBridgeByHashHSEARCH-2157Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2157Guillaume Smet
- SpatialFieldBridge implementations should reuse target field nameHSEARCH-2139Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2139Guillaume Smet
- Add various accessors and utilities to be able to exploit the spatial structuresHSEARCH-2133Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2133Guillaume Smet
- SpatialFieldBridges implement MetadataProvidingFieldBridge but does not provide useful information about the added fieldsHSEARCH-2127Resolved issue: HSEARCH-2127Guillaume Smet
- Spatial Search with distance projection is not returning all resultsHSEARCH-1918Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1918Nicolas Helleringer
- Upgrade Spatial Query related implementations to avoid using Lucene's deprecated FieldCacheHSEARCH-1910Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1910Davide D'Alto
- BenchWithGeonames should be moved into the integrationtest module and made a perf testHSEARCH-1709Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1709Yoann Rodière
- Using DistanceSortField does not verify the field parameter passed to the constructorHSEARCH-1708Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1708Davide D'Alto
- Avoid eager iteration on values read from AtomicReader in DistanceCollector until an explicit collect()HSEARCH-1499Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1499Sanne Grinovero
- Provide better error message when the user writes a geospatial query against a non spatial fieldHSEARCH-1470Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1470Hardy Ferentschik
- Consider the term 'geospatial' instead of 'spatial'HSEARCH-1469Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1469Hardy Ferentschik
- Geo-distance aggregationHSEARCH-1359
- Make the message clearer and provide a hint when no matching @Latitude/@Longitude is found for a @Spatial indexHSEARCH-1337Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1337Emmanuel Bernard
- Reword reference for Quad Tree for Spatial Hash in spatial moduleHSEARCH-1327Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1327Nicolas Helleringer
- Spatial API polishingHSEARCH-1315Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1315Nicolas Helleringer
- Allow @Latitude and @Longitude annotations on methods (getters) tooHSEARCH-1314Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1314Nicolas Helleringer
- Improve usability and consistency of spatial APIHSEARCH-1273Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1273Hardy Ferentschik
- Spatial search with sort by distance and paging orders entities incorrectly and repeats themHSEARCH-1267Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1267Nicolas Helleringer
- Incorrect example for Coordinates in Spatial documentHSEARCH-1266Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1266
- Improve details on the spatial featureHSEARCH-1242Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1242Sanne Grinovero
- Readability of @Latitude and @LongitudeHSEARCH-1222Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1222Emmanuel Bernard
- Introduce a Sort DSL, especially for Spatial QueriesHSEARCH-1217Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1217
- New Spatial methods on FullTextQuery are not exposed on the JPA FullTextQueryHSEARCH-1204Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1204Davide Di Somma
- SpatialQueryBuilder assumes usage of "km" unitsHSEARCH-1203Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1203Nicolas Helleringer
- Document @Latitude and @Longitude features of SpatialHSEARCH-1202Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1202Nicolas Helleringer
- Return distance to search center in spatial queriesHSEARCH-1175Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1175Nicolas Helleringer
- Sorting by distance on spatial queriesHSEARCH-1174Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1174Nicolas Helleringer
- Improve documentation on Spatial integrationsHSEARCH-1168Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1168Nicolas Helleringer
- Add more tests to cover Range/Grid and Class/Member level combinationsHSEARCH-1156Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1156Nicolas Helleringer
- Test @Embeddable nestingHSEARCH-1155Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1155Nicolas Helleringer
- How would Faceting and geolocation work?HSEARCH-1101Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1101
- Implement variable score on spatial queriesHSEARCH-1017Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1017Yoann Rodière
- Move spatial code to JBoss LoggingHSEARCH-1016Resolved issue: HSEARCH-1016Emmanuel Bernard
- Add support for geospatial queriesHSEARCH-923Resolved issue: HSEARCH-923Nicolas Helleringer
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